Ahmadinejad Protest New York City
Very clever. It works so well!
I went to the protest against Ahmadinejad organized by 9/25Rally in front of the Hyatt Hotel on 42nd Street this evening. There was a nice turnout. Among them were these organizations who helped put together this important rally:
Women United/Code Red
911 Families
ACT for America
Alliance of Iranian Women
American Center for Law and Justice
American Coptic Union
American Maronite Union
Americans for a Safe Israel
Arabs for Israel
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Center for Security Policy
Christian Solidarity
Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights
Committee on the Present Danger
Concerned Women for America
Council for a Democratic Iran
Family Security Matters
Foundation for Defense of Democracy
Glenn Richter, Founder Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry
Guardian Angels
Institute for Freedom and Democracy
International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem
International Christian Union
Aryeh Eldad, Israeli Knesset
Jerusalem Reclamation Project
Jewish Action Alliance
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Log Cabin Republicans of New York City
Open Doors USA
NY - Gathering of Eagles
Phyllis Chesler, author
Rabbi Zev Friedman, Rambam Mesivta high school
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Silent Majority No More
Stop Shariah Now
Sudan Freedom Walk
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
Traditional Values Coalition
United American Committee
Women’s Freedom Movement of Pakistan
911 Families
ACT for America
Alliance of Iranian Women
American Center for Law and Justice
American Coptic Union
American Maronite Union
Americans for a Safe Israel
Arabs for Israel
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Center for Security Policy
Christian Solidarity
Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights
Committee on the Present Danger
Concerned Women for America
Council for a Democratic Iran
Family Security Matters
Foundation for Defense of Democracy
Glenn Richter, Founder Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry
Guardian Angels
Institute for Freedom and Democracy
International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem
International Christian Union
Aryeh Eldad, Israeli Knesset
Jerusalem Reclamation Project
Jewish Action Alliance
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Log Cabin Republicans of New York City
Open Doors USA
NY - Gathering of Eagles
Phyllis Chesler, author
Rabbi Zev Friedman, Rambam Mesivta high school
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Silent Majority No More
Stop Shariah Now
Sudan Freedom Walk
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
Traditional Values Coalition
United American Committee
Women’s Freedom Movement of Pakistan
Here are some of my favorites.
Enormous positive energy, a passionately concerned but well mannered crowd of all ages, and excellant and intelligent speakers of all faiths coming together. This was America at its best. Also the signs showed the creativity and intelligence of the crowd. Great photos.
Good job, UI!
The faith I have in my fellow human beings ebbs and flows. Viewing scenes of this event does help to restore faith in my fellow man.
My thanks to all who demonstrated who represented my own world view so effectively.
Great Job, UI!!
Got stuck in work so I couldn't make it. Glad to see you did!
Keep me on yer list, Infidel!
Warms the cockles of me heart to see this!
That sad, murderous little runt! He kills and maims as many Baha'is as he can get away with...
Did the alphabet networks cover this? It wasn't the opening news. Thanks for your diligence. Its things like this that make me wish I were a New Yorker every once in awhile.
SMASH the Islamofascist Regime of iran.
An oil portrait of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with pancakes on his head.
Hi Dan Lacey-
LOVE the Ahmadinejad painting with pancake on his head. You made him look just a little bit too cuddly. LOL! Everyone should click on your link and see it.
Great stuff. Thanks for coming by. UI
Hey, where am I?
Great photos, UI.
Very well done, UI. The photos are excellent.
Great pics UI, super stuff, excellent job! I was there for a while, a lot of nice people, good energy. I was the one screaming every now and then: Go HOME A-MAD-MAD-MONKEY!!! You have a pic which shows the back of my head, I was wearing a light blue baseball cap.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
admire terrorist monkeys
ask them to speak at functions
hang on their every word
absurd thought -
God of the Universe claims
there are NO Gay Muslims
no men attracted to men
none dream of little boys
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
monkey clowns to rule
preaching that what I WANT
is to bring back the stone age
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Your blog is very nice.
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