Anti-War Street Art: The Crochet Edition

The proper term, I've just learned is 'Yarn Bombing.'
"WAR IS YESTERDAY"? Really? Looks like war is today and tomorrow and pretty much forever.

The Undocumented President of the United States has to account to Congress for his own 'yarn bombing military kinetic action' in Libya.
I think that this is knitting, rather than crocheting, but your point is well taken.
Well honestly, I wasn't sure if it was knitting or crocheting. I consulted a friend who crochets and neither of us came to any conclusions. Ultimately, it all came down to the fact that I liked the word 'crochet' better.
It's actually got embroidered chain stitched letters, so it's a three-fer!
I could see these idiots in Warsaw greeting the Nazis with flowers and singing War Is Over If You Want It.
Oh, the irony
the yarnery
the dumbth ..
This looks like a 4 fer to me. That schmutta could be used as a trendy little post hippie tube top. Perfect with your patched hip hugger jeans.
Thanks. Followed a Jawa link here and have at last learned that those damn things in the park are called "tree cozies". Am thinking about covering a tree in rusty chains or fresh road kills and calling it "crap bombing."
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