Stand by the UK Demonstration
A small group gathered today in Manhattan on the second anniversary of the 7/7 London bombings to show support for the UK in light of the recent failed terror attempts in London and Scotland.
Beginning at Rockefeller Center and up Fifth Avenue they marched with flags to the British Consulate on Third Avenue. It was a peaceful march on a beautiful and somewhat quiet day in the city. There were no counter demonstrators. Here is my slide show.
* UPDATE! 7/10: After we wrapped up at the British Consulate, my compatriots were walking through Times Square and just happened upon a group of British Officers. They were very happy to see that Americans were demonstrating in support of the UK! Pamela's wonderful photograph below. Look at all those smiling faces!
Good show! Thanks for that. Very nice to see after all that's gone on. Rest assured this won't go unforgotten.
You always have friends in America.
Yes, wishbone, you do have friends in America. I even work for a British company! Had I been in town yesterday, I would have joined in the march. God bless the USA, and God bless the UK. May our flags jointly fly forever!
Thanks again, UI, for your fabulous photojournalism. You truly bring these events to life!
Great work UI! If only PM Gordon Brown would support his own country this much as opposed to sucking up to the EU.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't call a spade a spade
Islamist terrorism
not related to Islam
Peter Power head of Visor consultants, knew about the bombs in 2004, he appeared on the BBC to demonstrate the plan. One year later booooom, people dead, chaos everywhere, horrid horrid horrid. Peter Power appeared that morning and throughout the day saying his company Visor, was running terror exercises in the same locations as the bombs that went off. There has been NO public enquire. We had the IRA over here in the 80's & 90’s; this is not how the police and government have acted in the past. Why has P Power not been at least questioned yet?
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