Muslim Day Parade 2010
Foot baths on Madison Avenue.
I went to the Muslim Day Parade today.
Full PHOTO slide show and gallery links below.
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Looks like the annual Muslim Day Parade in New York City got a make over.
Full PHOTO slide show and gallery links below.
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Looks like the annual Muslim Day Parade in New York City got a make over.
There were, of course, the usual features. The prayer on Madison Avenue. Though much smaller, shorter and less ceremonial than in previous parades.
The women were pretty decked out.
Britney Spears meets Mecca?
One cool cop.
Prayer on Madison Avenue
In this video the marchers are shouting, "We are the Muslims! The mighty, mighty Muslims!" Hardly a humble or inclusive attitude.
In this video they insist, "From East to West, Islam is the best!"
VIDEO: More boastful chanting. "Everywhere we go, people want to know WHO WE ARE!
It was a strange mishmash of American patriotism on the surface with undertones of youthful militancy.
Allah's determined young soldiers.
"MUJAHIDEEN" kid's sweatshirt.
At first glance, it looked like his t-shirt said 'I Love NY'. Guess not.
What was most notable about this parade was the somewhat toned down quality and the sudden presence of American flags.
The parades are getting smaller and as usual there were only a tiny handful of spectators, mostly bewildered tourists wandering through the midtown streets probably wondering where they landed.
Gone were the black flags of jihads waving as in previous parades replaced by pre-printed signs and the veneer of toting American flags.
Also conspicuously absent where the elected NYC officials who have marched before like Anthony Weiner [D] and Robert Jackson [D].
A kinder, gentler and perhaps even warmer, fuzzier Muslim Day Parade?
In these two short videos the march makes its approach to the end.
A sudden debut of a huge American flag placed on the stage at the the post parade fair at the park on 23rd Street was quite a surprise indeed.
The sound isn't the greatest, but listen closely if you can to this creepy song sung by little girls. "What is Al-lah? What is Is-lam? What is I-mam?"
Slide show can be viewed here.
Death cult Parade
Flag taqiyya.
As soon as they get their precious ground zero mosque built they'll be militant once again, for certain. And the cries of "Death to Israel!" and "Behead those who stand against Allah" will be heard again.
Ah I see you are using the straw man argument to falsely display all muslims as blood thirsty jihadists.
I am one of those people in one of those picture but I won't tell you who because you clearly displayed what kind of an asshole you are by painting the variable amounts of communities with a very broad, broad brush. Unfortunately your mind is not as broad as the brush you're using.
Perhaps if you actually took the time to talk to some Muslims and ask actual questions, you would have shockingly found out that they are not Al Qaeda.
Breaking news, Al Qaeda members are horrible muslims because they don't know jack shit about Islam. All they know how to do is cut heads off and blow shit up and shoot up everything like it's the wild west.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Real dangers are being ignored while you are distracted with the false pretense that all Muslims are terrorists.
Golly! Sorry I missed it....maybe next year,,,,,if they do something about the bedbugs!
Michael Travis
"Perhaps if you actually took the time to talk to some Muslims and ask actual questions, you would have shockingly found out that they are not Al Qaeda."
Having spent most of my life amongst Mozlims, I can attest to their primitive practices and barbaric faith.
Michael Travis
"Having spent most of my life amongst Mozlims, I can attest to their primitive practices and barbaric faith."
Even though you haven't met me, you have immediately assumed labeled me as barbaric. How utterly sad of you. Had I known who you were when you took a photo of me, I would have gladly taken your camera and shove it up your ass, the good ol' American way.
Flag taqiyya.
Good one.
Bless you for the courage. You are a brave person for exposing this.
I am a former NYer and this is positively bone chilling.
Hey UI, great job. Wish I was there. Instead, I was at the Sheepsheadbay anti-mosque rally in Brooklyn.
Here is the report: Photo and video report from rally against proposed mosque in Sheepsheadbay, Brooklyn, September 26, 2010.
The foot baths would make good urinals.
Bless you for the courage. You are a brave person for exposing this.
I am a former NYer and this is positively bone chilling.
There is nothing courageous about playing nice guy while taking pictures and then using a poorly veiled straw man fallacy to falsely represent every individual.
For example. The young fellow with the American flag, dressed in full white gown and gold head cord. How would you know he waved the flag with veneer intentions? You don't know his true intentions because you do not know this man. How did you decide in a split second that he waved the flag with "veneer" intentions? Explain that to me. I'd like to know how you gained such a wonderful ability.
You'll do anything for attentions, even lying through your rotten nose if you have to. I know your types, I've seen your types. I dealt with people who shared the same sick mentality as you. You are striving for attentions and this is your pathetic attempt at doing it.
You did nothing courageous because you weren't honest. You did not take the courage to walk up to a Muslim and ask them questions. Instead you hid behind your camera and your smile (Taqiyya?) and now you are hiding behind your computer.
You want to go after terrorists? Go after Al Qadea and the Taliban. They're the idiots who are ruining Islam and drawing in ignorance blood thirsty, poorly educated Muslims, not Islam.
Thank you for attending this, so I did not have to. Instead I spent the afternoon on Governor's Island. Did you get to see the Art Fair? It was well worth visiting and while it is now over the Island is a gem open for a couple of more weekends.
Excellent work, excellent pics and vids. Thanks for doing that. I'm somewhat satisfied that recent controversy caused them to tone down a little. We'll just call that a small infidel victory. And although the US flags are taquitos (taqiyya), it was ironic, infidel bliss to see them with Old Glory.
Even though you haven't met me, you have immediately assumed labeled me as barbaric. How utterly sad of you. Had I known who you were when you took a photo of me, I would have gladly taken your camera and shove it up your ass, the good ol' American way.
Islamists sure seem whiny.
Making their presence known so as to (1) intimidate infidels and (2) promote the caliphate.
To the whiny Islamist commenter:
Using obscenities and threatening violence isn't doing very much for your argument.
@ anonymous: Why don't your co-religionists stop attacking Christians and Jews worldwide and why don't ALL those moderate Muslims "go after" those who defile your faith? Why did your co-religionists dance in the streets on 9/11? Why do you want a mosque so near the site of your co-religionists murdering 3000 innocent Americans?
Don't bother answering,we have all read your book.
Thanks for the report UI!
Islamists sure seem whiny.
Just like you bigots are whining about the proposal Islamic interfaith center located two blocks away from ground zero? Even though there is another mosque located 4 blocks from ground? Even though The Twin Towers used to contain an Islamic prayer room? Even though Muslim American employees of the Pentagon also pray in an interfaith chapel, several hundred feet away from where flight 77 hit? Even though Muslim Americans also died on 9/11?
To the whiny Islamist:
Islam epitomizes bigotry, so your to calling non-Muslims bigots for exposing your bigotry is nothing more than ironic.
Here is what muslims are missing. The act ITSELF of parading around, boasting that they are the "mighty muslims" is offensive to free people. It is excluding others. We don't hold marches shouting, "We are the Wonderful Christians," or "We are the native-born Americans!" or "Our ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War!" We don't because it would be separating ourselves and saying "You're not as good as us."
It is divisive and creates a "main group" and an "other."
The next step, which has happened for centuries, is for muslims to then demonize "the other" -- to kill them, make them slaves, or force them to be dhimmis.
When you guys join us ALL in a 4th of July parade and join us chanting "USA! USA!" then we will accept you. Actually, even if you held an all-muslim rally protesting beheadings and stonings, that would be cool. But don't go around our country bragging "We are the mighty muslims!" It is offensive.
We don't kill and riot when offended, but we ARE a "sleepiing giant" that more than one country has regreted pushing too far. Quit putting yourselves above us. Join the melting pot. Accept our culture. Be Americans 1st, not muslims 1st.
I'm you have any Muslim friends? Do you actually know any Muslims? I'd guess not.
Since you're curious.
Of course I know Muslims and I have Muslim friends. I traveled to a Muslim country right after 9/11/01 to see what Islam was about. I sought out Muslims to be friends with in an effort to better understand what was happening in the world. No, I don't think all Muslims are terrorists either and I have never said anything to that effect.
My business at this parade was to keep an eye out for radical elements that I had seen in previous years' parades. My observations are clear. Other than the pretty girls and cute kids, the visibility of those particular radical elements have been largely extinguished. This year it was obvious that there was an effort to appear patriotic.
Further, there was a militancy to some of the marchers and parade goers. To not see that is being dishonest.
Here is what muslims are missing. The act ITSELF of parading around, boasting that they are the "mighty muslims" is offensive to free people. It is excluding others. We don't hold marches shouting, "We are the Wonderful Christians," or "We are the native-born Americans!" or "Our ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War!" We don't because it would be separating ourselves and saying "You're not as good as us."
It is divisive and creates a "main group" and an "other."
You're a blind douche bag. Everybody was welcomed to join the parade or the festival. How else the fuck did the blogger get in then, taking pictures at free wills without any oppositions?
By the way, there were plenty of Christians that I saw, preaching their faith and their version of the end of the world scenario. I witnessed a former catholic-Muslim convert speaking peacefully and respecting a former Muslim-Christian convert Pakistani man. Of course you wouldn't know that because it's not what you were looking for.
Jerk off.
The original post was a fair and well presented example of citizen journalism by someone who did not merely repeat a press release but placed what was observed in the context of having reported on prior parades and absorbed over the last 10-20 years the painful lessons on how members of the Islamic community interact with the outside world. The hate and abuse here is not from the host or their post but from the Anonymous commentator who throws around words like whore idiot and bitch. Reading you makes me think that you have gender issues and suspect that your intent is to provoke an intemperate response that can be used to attack the blog.
The inflammatory signs and chants of prior years were gone and if that indicates that intolerance and the glorification of violence are being marginalized within the Islamic community then that is good news. If it indicates a tactical effort on the part of organizers caught by the controversy over the mosque near Ground Zero then there is less reason for relaxation. It is not wrong for inquiring minds to inquire.
Regarding the obscenity laced post with the story "I witnessed a former catholic-Muslim convert speaking peacefully and respecting a former Muslim-Christian convert Pakistani man" in my mailbox, was it deleted or blocked here? Given the history of how apostates are treated and the real cases we know of of people in hiding or being killed for "insulting the Prophet" it was probably a poor decision to hit the Publish button on that story when you are otherwise busy discrediting the argument for Islamic tolerance.
It is you choice everyday as to how you portray your community. If you seek to prove that the advocates of violence and intolerance in al-Qaeda and affiliated groups do not represent the values of Islam then it is your responsibility to demonstrate that. It was your choice as to whether you respectfully acknowledged the skepticism of observers when arguing for the sincerity of the new message or attacked the audience. Today Anonymous you have done a poor job of making that argument. You choose a tone that indicates hostility condescension arrogance and a desire to denigrate and control the opinions of others. That reinforces all the worst expectations that the less confrontational tone of the parade was presumably designed to allay.
My business at this parade was to keep an eye out for radical elements that I had seen in previous years' parades. My observations are clear. Other than the pretty girls and cute kids, the visibility of those particular radical elements have been largely extinguished. This year it was obvious that there was an effort to appear patriotic.
Right on man! they had guns, burned American flags, cutting people's heads off, bombed everyone and wore militant outfits. They sure did showed anti-American slogans by proudly waving the American flags around.
Your types are funny. People like you do not make sense. You bitch and moan that Muslim Americans do not show American pride.
So they show their American pride by waving giant American flags.
What happens? You still bitch and moan because now you think they are hiding their true agenda behind American flags.
Which is to say you're a humongous idiot and I think your daddy didn't touch you enough time to feel loved. So this is your pathetic attempt at whoring all the attentions.
If you can spot taqqiya, then I guess it takes one to know one. Because how else can you lie on your blog like this? :)
Here is what muslims are missing. The act ITSELF of parading around, boasting that they are the "mighty muslims" is offensive to free people. It is excluding others. We don't hold marches shouting, "We are the Wonderful Christians," or "We are the native-born Americans!" or "Our ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War!" We don't because it would be separating ourselves and saying "You're not as good as us."
It is divisive and creates a "main group" and an "other."
You're a blind douche bag. Everybody was welcomed to join the parade or the festival. How else the fuck did the blogger get in then, taking pictures at free wills without any oppositions?
By the way, there were plenty of Christians that I saw, preaching their faith and their version of the end of the world scenario. I witnessed a former catholic-Muslim convert speaking peacefully and respecting a former Muslim-Christian convert Pakistani man. Of course you wouldn't know that because it's not what you were looking for.
Jerk off.
Ah. I see mr. anonymous is back.
Honestly, I can't imagine a bigger attention whore than a man dressed in a Lawrence of Arabia costume with a cheap gold headband prancing down Madison Avenue.
But that's giving you too much credit.
You are welcome to come here, as anyone is and discuss issues, but it is not a platform for you to project your various psychoses.
UI, looks like you made a new friend. :-)
To anonymous: My problem isn't with Al-Qaeda. It's with islamic culture itself. I don't like and will never accept the horrible treatment of women, religious minorities, and gays, and nor will I accept the cruel 7th century punishments you people lay down for minor crimes. It is a hateful faith, and it's believers all get right in line. And the waving of the American flag is about is phony as anything I've ever seen. If muslims ever gained political power here, they'd be torching it just like their brothers across the globe do. We don't want you here. We don't like you, your faith, your values, and all that you stand for. You are not fooling me. I know what you and your people are truly about. Now, kiss my infidel ass........ASSHOLE!
Everyone damn well knows that this "parade" was another example of muslims trying to intimidate people, to show power. The American flag is just what you wave to make yourselves appear patriotic, and to give you ammo to fight our correct accusations of you and your wothless people. Every one of you there is probably a jew-hating, closet al-qaeda sympathizer.
Not to mention the f*&^ing traffic jam I was stuck in...Again!
About the white t-shirt boy - you gotta wonder where the poison came from that has that otherwise healthy white American boy embracing the malignant delusion of islam. Someone has failed him, terribly.
Anonymous sure talks big for a coward about how he would shove the camera where the sun doesn't shine etc. REALLY? Your arguments are facetious and your threats are as empty as your so called faith which really is world domination cult in disguise. Too late. America is on to your taquiya. And don't try the worn out, "but you have to read the Quran in Arabic to understand it" blather. Just how idiotic do you think we Westerners are? It worked on Europe but the gigs up here. American flags or no American flags. The deception of Islam is EXPOSED.
Go back to where your sorry political cult came from. It is ANTITHESIS TO OUR REPUBLIC AND TRAITOROUS!
Anonymous sure talks big for a coward about how he would shove the camera where the sun doesn't shine etc. REALLY? Your arguments are facetious and your threats are as empty as your so called faith which really is world domination cult in disguise. Too late. America is on to your taquiya. And don't try the worn out, "but you have to read the Quran in Arabic to understand it" blather. Just how idiotic do you think we Westerners are? It worked on Europe but the gigs up here. American flags or no American flags. The deception of Islam is EXPOSED.
Go back to where your sorry political cult came from. It is ANTITHESIS TO OUR REPUBLIC AND TRAITOROUS!
What self respecting law enforcement agency would hire fucking muslims? Says it all!
twinelm said...
Anonymous sure talks big for a coward about how he would shove the camera where the sun doesn't shine etc. REALLY? Your arguments are facetious and your threats are as empty as your so called faith which really is world domination cult in disguise.
Just like the blogger talks big by creating lies after lies. Perhaps if you were actually at the parade, you would have discovered that there were Christians, Jewishs and Atheists alike wandering about. See with your own eyes. Do not let other do the looking for you.
But you are right about one thing. I shouldn't have cursed and get all riled up like that.
I do respect the opinions of others if they dislike Islam for philosophical reasons. It's fine by me.
My only problem is the weak arguments they use to defend their stance. I am all about truth and logic. It's how I roll.
Too late. America is on to your taquiya. And don't try the worn out, "but you have to read the Quran in Arabic to understand it"
Do you know what Taqqiya really means? It means that a Muslim is allowed to lie about his faith if he feels he is in danger from persecutions. You know, like how several Jewish people had to lie about being Jewish to avoid being exterminated by the Nazi? Same idea. Or when Christians were permitted to lie to the Roman about being Christians?
Just how idiotic do you think we Westerners are?
Not westerner, but poorly uneducated folks or folks who do not understand the context of biblical texts. The only people I do truly think are idiotic are the ones who feel the needs to put everyone in harm ways, yes radical Muslims included. they're no better and are the reasons why we are in this mess in the first place.
If the redneck equivalent of an uneducated Muslim actually educated themselves instead of strapping bombs on their chest, then perhaps we can get to the right path.
But all this bigotry has got to stop. It is only fueling the hatred on BOTH sides. Bin Laden said in an interview two months after 9/11, that the worse has yet to come. He expected us, the American people to go into a blind fury against Muslims. So far he is succeeding and is getting the results he wants.
You want to focus on terrorism. Then identify the real enemy by opening yourself to communication and understanding. Then you will find the ones who wants to carry out a malicious agenda.
What you are doing right now is dangerous because we are being distracted from finding the real enemy of the world.
What about Muslims who are constantly bombed inside mosques by radical Islamic militants and Talibans in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda? What do you call that? What do you think about that? Be honest with your answers and think clearly.
Go back to where your sorry political cult came from. It is ANTITHESIS TO OUR REPUBLIC AND TRAITOROUS!
Ok I'll go back to my country.
*Books flight from New York, America to New York, America.*
Ciao, mia bella! :)
Lower turnout is due to the reality that our intels are keeping tabs on the most outwardly hostiles- individual MUSLIMS are rightfully scared, they may end up on youtube EXPOSED for what they are-and hopefully AMERICA will quit hiring them, trusting them-- yes ANON THOSE MUSLIMS are making YOUR lives miserable! Yes they are ruining your lives in USA- but instead of telling THOSE MUSLIMS you blame US- and of course add a few curses and insults then threats- HOMEY DON'T PLAY DAT
we are done trying to figure out which MUSLIM is the next time bomb- and tired of USA Muslims playing both sides so YES you will ALL PAY for those crimes as the Germans paid for Hitler and the Japanese got bombed for their relgious superiority complex--b/c we have no way to tell which MUSLIM is the JIHADIST SUICIDER- MUJHADEEN HAS ONE MEANING ONLY- explain THAT away go ahead- why no one there protested it's sales? NO THEY BOUGHT and wore them- you know it
As for the boy in the white Tshirt- he may be a CHECHEN or Bosnian - thanks to CLINTON GWB and OBama USA is full of similar future terrorists- and sent specifically to defeat profiling by LOOKS or SKIN COLOR-ISLAM is not a RACE yes we do not DESPISE ISLAM by the color of the people but by the SICK BIGOTRY it holds for US - and yes we dspise the WHITE ISLAMIC BESLAN childkillers as much as we despise the Osama , Choudary IRAN Regime HAMAS HEzzbo Somali ones- the (brown/arab) Brotherhood of HATE
and the fact that JEWISH Christian and other faiths supposedly "attended" maybe they came to GAWK - or throw up- maybe to look the enemy in the eye- of course there are those jewhater oops I meant anitZIONIST lefty traitor Americans that LOVE YOU MUSLIMS( future DEm voters, gays for gaza code pinkos and other wackjobs equally out of touch with reality )
PS wearing colors of HAMAS is NOT A SHOW OF FRIENDSHIP either to MOST people in USA--
Ah forget it. It's like arguing with a brick....wait scratch that. A brick has more intelligence than a combination of you lots.
I am tired. I had a long day promoting peace and tolerance. We had a Jewish guy talking a Muslim sister and no incidents occurred! I spoke with a Christian woman while reading the bible. We had a lovely conversation about God, life, understanding the universe, and be acceptance of all toward others who are different from us (As long they do not promote violent and inflict harms on fellow humans.
Have a nice day living sheltered, close minded lifestyle. Let the pros at the FBI, CIA and homeland security handle the real threats from AL QAEDA and TALIBAN.
As salam wa Alaykium. :)
Until the muslim/islamic leaders actually stand up and denounce the actions of the so-called radical muslims, then I will have to group them all into the same. Islam is NOT a peaceful or kind and loving religion.
And I have to point out that the very FIRST response in reply to Matt@StBlogustine's comnment, was posted by a "peace loving muslim" and it was the FIRST post that took a negative tone, called Matt and a-hole and went on to condemn and berate him for his opinion/comment.
You sir/maam "anonymous" third post on the blog, have made my case for me. I need not say more as you're hatred and vile attitude and vulgar language PROVE what we've been saying all along. Peaceful and loving eh? Yeah, right. POINT MADE, I'M DONE HERE.
You bigots sure whine a lot when you don't have things your way.
And to anonymous above me. You are full of crap if you think you are so perfect and never uttered a profanity in your life.
The only one whining here is the anonymous Islamic drama queen.*YAWN*
Check out the last 3 Muslim Day Parades:
I hate Islam to the core of my being, and the Burqa and Niqab sicken me, but I personally can't think of very many things that are sexier than a beautiful girl in a Hijab. In our current garish culture, the modesty/beauty just tickles my erogenous zones.
Firstly, Intefada is an Arabic word.
Regarding the 9/11 Mosque, if 'inter-faith relations' were truly it's intention, then it would have been called something like 'The 9/11 Memorial Inter Faith Center' (apparently I am some rare form of genius for conceiving this idea before about a billion peace-loving and enlightened, open-minded Muslims), but even now, is anyone behind the project even considering such a simple, cheap, sensitive - and yet somehow apparently inconceivable - concession to the infidels?
The problem is that Muslims don't know how to be a minority, and if they find themselves to be so, they make every effort to become a majority as quickly as possible, even if only locally, instead of integrating with other faiths. Why bother? Muslims feel that they will soon out-number them anyway as more Muslims are born and as other 'lost' infidels are slowly converted, if not religiously at first, then at least culturally, until they buy the 'peaceful, wise Muslim' cover story that you and others of your faith have been selling to the naive.
If people of my faith were running around blowing up buses and killing civilians, I would be spearheading the efforts to hunt them down and bring them to justice before they tarnished our image any further.
You, on the other hand, publicly wash your hands of these extremists elements in your own faith and claim to be different and blame others for being intolerant and for making generalizations with over-sized paint brushes, just as long as it's not your own religion that is being targeted and when politically convenient you actually support them, just as I am sure that you currently openly support every Muslim terror organization that has never actually acted directly against the USA (...yet). Perhaps you refer to the Islamic Jihad as freedom fighters, for example? How about the Hamas? Hizballah? Please say that this is so, so that I can blow your hypocritical politics out of the water.
New York, 2011:
You, on the other hand, publicly wash your hands of these extremists elements in your own faith and claim to be different and blame others for being intolerant and for making generalizations with over-sized paint brushes, just as long as it's not your own religion that is being targeted and when politically convenient you actually support them, just as I am sure that you currently openly support every Muslim terror organization that has never actually acted directly against the USA (...yet). Perhaps you refer to the Islamic Jihad as freedom fighters, for example? How about the Hamas? Hizballah? Please say that this is so, so that I can blow your hypocritical politics out of the water.
Reading is fundamental.
predicts that somehow you will mistake the word "fundamental" with "fundamental terrorist, which I am sure you will do.
Here's what I said in the previous comments, in case you missed it and I am sure you will miss it again and again and again.
You want to go after terrorists? Go after Al Qadea and the Taliban. They're the idiots who are ruining Islam and drawing in ignorance blood thirsty, poorly educated Muslims, not Islam.
If the redneck equivalent of an uneducated Muslim actually educated themselves instead of strapping bombs on their chest, then perhaps we can get to the right path.
But all this bigotry has got to stop. It is only fueling the hatred on BOTH sides. Bin Laden said in an interview two months after 9/11, that the worse has yet to come. He expected us, the American people to go into a blind fury against Muslims. So far he is succeeding and is getting the results he wants.
You want to focus on terrorism. Then identify the real enemy by opening yourself to communication and understanding. Then you will find the ones who wants to carry out a malicious agenda.
What you are doing right now is dangerous because we are being distracted from finding the real enemy of the world.
What about Muslims who are constantly bombed inside mosques by radical Islamic militants and Talibans in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda? What do you call that? What do you think about that? Be honest with your answers and think clearly.
As you say, reading is fundamental.
So is writing, as long as we are on the subject of criticizing each others use of English:
'They're the idiots who are ruining Islam and drawing in ignorance blood thirsty, poorly educated Muslims, not Islam.'
I think you meant 'ignorant'? Ironic word to have a typo in, especially for you, considering how often you must hear it each day.
I take your response to mean that you do indeed support the Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizballah, and that you are not at all interested in the constructive 9/11 Mosque re-branding solution that I suggested that would provide a peaceful compromise for all, because conflict and expansion is part of your faith and because compromise isn't?
If - as you said - reading is fundamental, then you may have noticed the part where I said:
"I am sure that you currently openly support every Muslim terror organization that has never actually acted directly against the USA (...yet)".
The nature of my statement omits both the Taliban, and Al Quaida, with whom you may have heard your country (if you are in the USA) is at war with already?
Don't get me started on your reading comprehension.
You seem to have skirted the actual question by criticizing my spelling, or am I mistaken about that as well?
I take your response to mean that you do indeed support the Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizballah, and that you are not at all interested in the constructive 9/11 Mosque re-branding solution that I suggested that would provide a peaceful compromise for all, because conflict and expansion is part of your faith and because compromise isn't?
I do not support any of the terrorist organizations. I can understand why they do such things, but I do not agree with their method of actions. It is immoral and it is unfair for victims who have nothing to do with the whole mess that United States and the mid east dragged themselves into.
I do not care about Hamas and Hezbollah because they have nothing to do with with United States. This is Israel, Palestine and Lebanon's problems to deal with Hamas and Hezbollah. I am worried about threats coming in from Al Qaeda and Taliban, not Hamas and Hezbollah. After all it was Al Qaeda who committed 9/11 and the Taliban who gave them sanctuary in Afghanistan AND not to mention the Time Square bomber where he received trainings from Pakistan Taliban.
So unless Hamas and Hezbollah decides to attack USA, they are the least of our concern and more of Israel's concerns. Hamas and Hezbollah is their problems, not ours.
You seem to have skirted the actual question by criticizing my spelling, or am I mistaken about that as well?
I didn't even criticize your spelling. I don't know where did you get that notion.
Now here is my questions for you.
What about Muslims who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11? They were also killed by radical militants.
What about Muslims who are constantly murdered by variate terrorist groups and Al Qaeda in Iraq?
What about Muslims who are constantly bombed by fanatical Islamic militants such as Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan?
So how can it be that Muslims are terrorists if Muslims are also victims of Islamic militant terrorism?
News of Bombings in Mosques :
And what about the Taliban murdering Muslims in Afghanistan?
Are you aware that the Taliban is made up of poor Afghan men who needs to make a living and the only choice they have is to join a death cult?
Are you aware that The Taliban are just that, fighters, not readers and thinkers? They are not very bright people. Why else do they judge so harshly and show no regard for the value of human lives? Because most of them are stupid, poor, illiterate and are eager for bloodshed. They are only good at blowing things up and oppressing people.
Are you aware that most members of Al Qaeda admitted to have never read and understand the Qu'ran properly? They instead depend on the radicalized, twisted interpretation of the Qu'ran by their recruiters.
Even the lone terrorist who was captured during the November 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai,India, admitted to never have read the Qu'ran before in his life. He depended on his boss's violent views instead.
Do you know that Al Qaeda doesn't care if the recruited person is a Muslim or not? Nor do they care if they are devoted Muslims? All they look for is easy cannon fodders that they can expend easily at the cost of innocence human lives.
Here is an interesting article issued by an American psychologist and approved by the US Army and Government. Have a read at it.
“I do not support any of the terrorist organizations. I can understand why they do such things, but I do not agree with their method of actions. It is immoral and it is unfair for victims who have nothing to do with the whole mess that United States and the mid east dragged themselves into...
...So unless Hamas and Hezbollah decides to attack USA, they are the least of our concern and more of Israel's concerns. Hamas and Hezbollah is their problems, not ours.”
Response: Ok, then I am sure that we will all be interested in hearing ‘why’ the Hizballah truck-bombed a US marine barracks in Lebanon, killing about 250 of ‘your’ troops & countrymen, which you say you fully understand? (
“Now here is my questions for you.
What about Muslims who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11? They were also killed by radical militants”.
Response: Yes, I saw the Palestinians (who aren’t your problem) dancing on rooftops when that happened, no doubt in support of the USA.
“What about Muslims who are constantly murdered by variate terrorist groups and Al Qaeda in Iraq?
What about Muslims who are constantly bombed by fanatical Islamic militants such as Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan?
So how can it be that Muslims are terrorists if Muslims are also victims of Islamic militant terrorism?”
Response: It matters little who the target is, it is terrorism none the less. In the cases that you mentioned, it is often inter-sect rivalry within the wise, peaceful religion of Islam itself that is enough. Sunni on Shia, and vice versa. The language of terror is their language and if you support either sects actions, then you support terror, just as you do if you ‘understand’ the Hizballah.
“And what about the Taliban murdering Muslims in Afghanistan? ...
Are you aware that The Taliban are just that, fighters, not readers and thinkers? They are not very bright people. Why else do they judge so harshly and show no regard for the value of human lives? Because most of them are stupid, poor, illiterate and are eager for bloodshed. They are only good at blowing things up and oppressing people.
Are you aware that most members of Al Qaeda admitted to have never read and understand the Qu'ran properly? They instead depend on the radicalized, twisted interpretation of the Qu'ran by their recruiters...
Do you know that Al Qaeda doesn't care if the recruited person is a Muslim or not? Nor do they care if they are devoted Muslims? All they look for is easy cannon fodders that they can expend easily at the cost of innocence human lives”.
Great, more criticism of the ‘safe target’ organization that your country is at war with, and more hand-washing.
You said it, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mumbai, Iraq, Tel Aviv, Jordan, Lebanon, Scotland, London, New York… the list of locations of places where innocent blood has only recently flowed in the name of ‘un-educated’ Islam you speak-of grows daily.
What about Ahmedinijad in the Islamic Republic of Iran? Is he also ignorant of the ‘true’ Quran?
I ask because he also routinely calls for genocide of all Jews and denies the Holocaust ever happened, and sponsors terror attacks in Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan and Lebanon but I guess he is just pretending when he goes to pray every week, but actually has his MP3 player shoved in his ears?
What of the Sharia law, slavery, and womans rights in Saudi Arabia?
Another shining example of progressive Islam? The Saudi Royal family were all educated in Europe and the USA's finest schools.
Please feel free to translate the name of the organization ‘Al Quaida’ for our better education.
A few simple questions:
Why do so many Muslims want to come to the United States when they:
Don’t like or respect our culture.
Don’ like or respect our Judeo/Christian traditions.
Don’t like or respect /recognize our constitution.
Don’t like or respect our justice system.
Don’t like our dress (especially our women).
Don’t like our banking/lending system.
Don’t like or respect our first amendment rights.
Believe that they are hated and discriminated against here.
I could probably go on for pages, but the point is clear. I know that I would be very uncomfortable living in a Muslim country. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria, etc. THAT’S WHY I WOULD NEVER MOVE TO THOSE COUNTRIES IN THE FIRST PLACE! NOT THAT MANY OF THEM WOULD WANT ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!
By the way; great work as usual UI!
Dear "Urban Infidel",
You have captured some great images and videos. However, I truly do believe that some of your comments on the videos and images were not accurate.
I truly appreciate that you are trying to fight the ignorance and arrogance that certain aspects of the religious extremism brings to the forefront of our nation. However, with that said, as a practicing Muslim, I do not believe that the implementation of the Sharia (Islamic Law) is the fundamental goal of the Muslims that are living in the United States. Sadly, majority of the Muslim world does not follow the Sharia any way - so I am pretty sure, America has nothing to worry about. If you say, Saudi Arabia or Iran has the Sharia - I must say to you, that you are not aware of what the Sharia is.
With all that said - I would really appreciate it, if you could meet up with us or email us (the organizers of the Muslim Day Parade) and let us know (especially me) on which parts of the parade we should better and which parts were contradictory to America and Islam.
I truly hope that you are doing all this to better our nation and not for publicity.
Islam is not a religion and muslims deserves no respect whatsoever,Their ideology is disgusting, sickening and to vomit. Islam deserve only one thing and that is Death and the earliest possible. Everything is ugly in isslam,everything...their parade is ugly and morbid as their mad prophet and stupid quran (stupidiest book ever written). I do not want to see these people near me or in our streets and in my country,muslims are the ENNEMIES of the HUMANKIND. Islam is the Ugliness and Death NOTHING ELSE!tr
To Porky the Crusader
You sure are whiny for a bigot. :)
I'm not at all offended if a Muslim moron call me a bigot(anonymous),Lollllll!!!!!
I know who you are and muslims are the worst JERKS ON EARTH,Lol.
I am sure, i'm not wrong, I had millions of example every day.....Muslims have never done good once in their entire history, it's normal! Islam is evil and only evil they can not do anything else.
Anonymous you are better to back in your 'rathole'or you'll have a big problem existential here....Understood the PRICK! X
Porky Crusader. You can gather all the information just by looking at the name "anonymous" ?
I am not Muslim, but I have friends who happens to be good, law abiding American Muslim citizens.
Islam did not make one contributions to the world?
Let's start off with's called...ARABIC numeral! And...and and....... The MUSLIM took it from the Hindu's numeral system and introduced it to EUROPE!
Islam's Contributions to Civilization: Mathematics
I've been very disheartened to hear people, both here and elsewhere, regard the Islamic world as if it were a barbarous place devoid of any redeeming value. To go some ways toward showing just how false that view is I thought I might start writing a series of diaries on the many great advances that the world owes to these "cave dwelling barbarians."
It is fitting in a way to start the series with mathematics because math is not an end unto itself but rather a means by which to accomplish so much else. It is the base of science and economics which means it is the foundation on which US society was built.
So how has Islam contributed to mathematics? First let me say that I am not literally here talking of Islam the religion. Rather I am speaking of the region and cultures which either preceeded and led up to, or postdated and developed within the area where Islam grew to power. This essentially means the arabs and persians in the time period shortly before Muhammed to current day. For example the earliest mathematical texts yet found came from Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India but at ~1300BC these too far predate Islam for us to tie them directly to the culture (as opposed to religion) of Islam. For Islam's contributions we have to look much later.
Arabic Numerals
Arabic numerals are not strictly speaking arabic. They originate in India around 300BC. They are referred to as "Arabic" because it was the work of arab mathematicians that really spread the use of these symbols and made them pretty universal from the Indian subcontinent through the Middle East eventually into Europe. Furthermore the arabs made a significant advancement of making zero a number unto itself in the 800s AD.
While they would look strange to us these symbols morphed over time to become the number system we all grew up with (1, 2, 3, 4...).
And.......and.......and MUSLIMS also preserved ancient GREEK philosophy!
I can keep going, but I am tired right now.
So be careful when you use the familiar 0123456789 number system. You'll inadvertently support terrorism that way and we don't want that to happen. :)
'Anonymous my Ass' you says you are not muslim.....? However you should become one you have all the Skills and qualities,Loll.Ignorant,Prick,Moron,Liar and On and On.....If you have to go back thousand of years in time to find an Invention made by musslims it's probably because they NEVER made ANYONE!!!!????.....What do you think of that,HEY! ANONYMOUS!
Muslims NEVER invented the Slightest things on this planet maybe they invented the ZERO who knows!!??...Muslims are a Big Bunch of ZERO 'this is Well Known' it could be TRUE....Personally i don't beleive it....They are too Dummies even for a ZERO,loll....
I have a friend who can give you a short course or an introduction to the great contribution of Muslims to human civilization.....
I hope you will enjoy it!!!!..
and if you want some more let me know the Mohammedan.
The sterility of the Arab mind is apparent in every manifestation of intellectual activity, and more particularly in letters, in art, and in science, whose culture calls for qualities of originality and imagination. When the Arab wished to embark upon a literary, artistic, or scientific work, he had nothing to draw upon in his own inner consciousness; so he copied and imitated, without ever originating anything.
What is called "Arab civilization," in so far as any manifestation of Arab genius is concerned, has never had any real existence. The civilization that passes under that name is due to the labor of other peoples who, subjected to Islam by force, continued to develop their aptitudes in spite of the persecutions of their conquerors.
To the study of mathematics the Arabs in like manner contributed nothing new. For a long time they were credited. with the invention of algebra, whereas they did no more than copy the treatises of Diophantus of Alexandria, who lived in the fourth century; but, as the source from which they drew was unknown in the Middle Ages, they were looked upon, quite wrongly, as the originators....
The numerals commonly called Arabic, and the system of notation which bears the same name, come from Hindustan. The Arabs themselves call arithmetic "Indian reckoning," and geometry "Indian science" (hendesya).
In philosophy, the Arabs, incapable of conceiving any system of their own, adopted those of Greece, of Persia, and of India.
In literature properly so called, in the literature of imagination, even more than in the sciences, the poverty of invention of the Arabs and the barrenness of their minds is made apparent. In modern times, Arab literature has remained sterile; since the later Abbassid Caliphs it has produced no work worthy of remark; it has lived and still lives on its past.In the schools, otherwise exclusively religious, they continue to read the Koran and the commentators thereon, as well as the old works on jurisprudence and grammar; but no educated Arab appears to be capable of producing a new work. So, then, the Muslim community, fixed in the contemplation of the past, feels no need to think otherwise than did the generations that have preceded it. Islam, a secretion of the Arab brain, has paralysed their minds and has set up an impassable barrier between the Muslim and the rest of the world.
In the fine arts, the Arabs have shown no more originality than in science and letters; in sculpture and painting their nullity is absolute.A reason for this inferiority has been sought in the religious law which forbids the representation of living things.In music, the Arabs have shown the same nullity as in other branches of the fine arts. In a general way, the Muslims considered it as a mercenary art, putting it in the same class as dancing.
Islamism is a spiritual pathology based on a deformed theology that has produced a dysfunctional culture.
Dear Urban Infidel
Thank you dear friend for your good intentions and good spirit. Please illuminate the darkened souls that are everywhere but more so who profess to be Muslims. Rest of the people are fine and they will never change their opinion of Muslims which is quite natural. Muslims do not contribute much to any civilied society from any angle. Most Muslims I know in EU and USA are sucking the resources and here only for a free life despite hating the locals.
I truly enjoyed reading beautiful prophetic comments by Porky the Crusader and May Real Gods bless him for his enlightened intent. He is not talking of good or bad followers but Islam as a devilish "Strategy" of White Arabs. It is not a religion or sect or anything near religious. Look at these bearded men who look devilish and do not have any pios ideas. For a change see some videos that will show you how the violent followers are taking over Europe. You may literally cry when you see videos on Sweden:
What are we doing in this country of OURS when we feel compelled to install a foot washing station on our city streets? For God's sake people! Don't you see what's happening? Wake up America, WAKE UP!!
"Ah I see you are using the straw man argument to falsely display all muslims as blood thirsty jihadists."
Here's what ruins your accusation:
Anyone who knows what the life of mo was really like, and isn't just following what an inman told them, 'cos they can't read the still worshipping a murdering, raping, torurer and pedophile.
No matter how "nice" they appear, there is no way to get around this fact. If they are nice, and if they are at all knowledgeable about what mo and the koran really said, they must leave the death cult.
Do it quietly; I understand the risks. Go thru' the motions even, if you are in a country where you must.
But inside, you must give up this ideology which preaches the humiliation or death of anyone except fellow-muslims...and cruel punishments for the masses, while the wealthy and influential spend millions at hotels and clubs in London, etc....while keeping slaves.
I could go on, but you get the point.
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