General David Petraeus Honored at The Union League Club
General David Petraeus was honored tonight by John Negroponte at The Union League Club in Manhattan. A contingent of orange jumpsuit-clad protesters had planned 'dramatic tableau' which consisted of a two-tier street theatre performance including an 'actual' waterboarding. The first took place at Grand Central Station and the second outside the event venue on East 37th Street. A Gathering of Eagles and others came out to support an American hero, David Petraeus. What we may have lacked in numbers was made up for with superior sign power.
We got a lot of 'thumbs up' and support from people going by. Regular people, cab drivers, local residents, couples on their way out. Some of the arriving guests attending the ceremony were taking pictures of us and smiling. Even the some members of the secret service seemed to be enjoying it.
Waterboarding anyone? Tom having fun!
Next of course I went over to the Code Pinkos and World Can't Wait protest pen. Who were thankfully encamped on the corner facing Park Avenue and not right in front of the place. Which is quite nice. Very classy.
They were loud and angry. Bullhorns, jumpsuits, selling pamphlets, Yelling, 'Lock'em up!, Lock'em up!'. 'Cheney!, Cheney!' 'Petraeus!, Petraeus!, prosecute!, prosecute!, 'Bush!, Bush!.. on and on..well, you get the picture.
"Waterboarding" Demonstration VIDEO! Okay. So I missed the 'drownding' part but the last half of the performance is simply hilarious. Note the look on the business man's face toward the end!
Speaking of 'classy'...
Just a moment before these sweet-faced women were giving the finger to passersby and motorists.
Don't know how you can control yourself to take such great pictures. I would be in jail, would have to slap the shiite outta of them. Keep up the great work.
New York City has long been a home to members of the lunatic fringe as TR noted long ago.
Of course, they are entitled to their free speech as well as their willful ignorace. Of course, if Petreus and Chaney and co were really fascists they would not be very safe. It is safe to protest against men who believe in democracy and the rule of law. Now protesting against Islamicfascism would take real courage.
But those of the Left in Europe and America prefer to cower and appease the crocodiles. And yell at conservative Americans they don't like. Cheep thrills as they pretend to be indignant and brave for no purpose except perhaps exhibitionism.
Geez, everytime I see code pink I would wish that the government really discovered the Brown Note and are awaiting a Republican presidency again before revealing the device.
Such a device should only be used on Tards and Lefties for comic relief.
Great pictures and video, UI!
Sorry I couldn't make it.
I linked to your report.
Don't know how you can control yourself to take such great pictures. I would be in jail, would have to slap the shiite outta of them.
Keep up the great work.
Huh. Did you even TRY to photograph a smile on those orange-suited people?
/ :)
P.S. I love it! Thank you. :)
--Ma Sands
New York City has long been a home to members of the lunatic fringe as TR noted long ago.
Of course, they are entitled to their free speech as well as their willful ignorace. Of course, if Petreus and Chaney and co were really fascists they would not be very safe. It is safe to protest against men who believe in democracy and the rule of law. Now protesting against Islamicfascism would take real courage.
But those of the Left in Europe and America prefer to cower and appease the crocodiles. And yell at conservative Americans they don't like. Cheep thrills as they pretend to be indignant and brave for no purpose except perhaps exhibitionism.
"Shame on yooooo..."
UI, as always, fine citizen journalism. Now with video! Great job!
I can only imagine what was going throug Petraeus's mind when he heard all the patriotic chants of "USA!"
I'm with newsjunkie, though. How do you stay calm? I'd want to slap the shiite out of them, as well. LOL
Outstandig coverage, Miss Infidel!
Thanks for all you do!
Geez, everytime I see code pink I would wish that the government really discovered the Brown Note and are awaiting a Republican presidency again before revealing the device.
Such a device should only be used on Tards and Lefties for comic relief.
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