Thursday, February 09, 2012

#OWS Graffiti: Puns 'Intented' & I'm Going to CPAC 2012!

Here's some of the latest from the #OWS Williamsburg bitter clingers. It just strikes me so funny because this silly neighborhood now has rents in the $5,000.00 to $10,000.00-a-month range and luxury condos going for millions.

Anyway, the good news is that I'm going to
CPAC 2012 on Saturday!
It will be my first time there, so I'm pretty excited.

And it also looks like the #OWS DC mob has threatened physical violence against anyone attending the conference with disruptions and various other tantrums. Well, that's fine by me. Because there's nothing I love more than to post photos of these idiots on my blog.

So, please stay tuned... I'll be on an express train before dawn Saturday morning headed straight into it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you know the puns are in-tent-ed?

February 09, 2012 3:18 PM  

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