KSM Trials Protest New York City
One of the speakers today talked about walking into the lobby of the WTC for work that morning and being consumed in a fireball. Burned over most of her body, she awoke from a coma over a month later to be told of the thousands dead and destruction of the towers. Now we have Fort Hood. What are these people thinking??
UPDATE 12/7: Candice who attended the rally happened to be in the coffee shop when the guy was apprehended and got these amazing pictures! Click here to view.
Thanks so much to Candice for being there and for sending them in!
UPDATE 12/9: Turns out the stage jumper is Nico Haupt, king crab of all the '9/11 Inside Job' truther nutcases!
There were so many great handmade signs I couldn't put them all up here. Much, much more at the complete photo slide show below!
Full List of Speakers:
MELISSA KEENE: “Star Spangled Banner”
STEVE MALZBERG (M.C.) Talk-Show Host
DEBRA BURLINGAME 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America
TIM BROWN The Bravest.com
GREG & LAUREN MANNING 9/11 survivors
EDITH LUTNICK Representing 800 Families of Cantor Fitzgerald
ANDY McCARTHY Former Federal Prosecutor
DAVID BEAMER Father of Todd Beamer
ZUHDI JASSER American Islamic Forum for Democracy
ROBIN & RON GRIFFIN Gold Star Parents
DANIEL RODRIGUEZ: “God Bless America”
The rally was taped by C-SPAN!
The entire program can be viewed online:
It is a must-see!
Big thanks to Michelle Malkin and Andrew McCarthy at The Corner @ The National Review Online for the links!
The entire program can be viewed online:
It is a must-see!
Big thanks to Michelle Malkin and Andrew McCarthy at The Corner @ The National Review Online for the links!
Which Andrew McCarthy?
Again, Urban Infidel, thank you for your ever-faithfulness!
sincerely, with love and admiration,
Ma Sands
Hey newsjunkie_ky, I updated the post with more info!
Andrew C. McCarthy- Former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney who led the 1995 prosecution against Shiek Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
He writes for the National Review and is also the author of a book called .Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad.'
Good work UI! Looks cold out there.Hope to make it to a future rally.
Thanks so much for your report! I've been wondering all day how the rally went and really appreciate your getting the news out.
Our hearts were warm today.
Bless all those who came out today to protest! Keep up the fight!
Thanks for the excellent reporting on the protest! I hope they can stop this madness.
As a retired US Army Warrent Officer and a retired NC police officer I am very proud of each one of you who stood up to the Obama administration and you have my respect for all you did and said.
From a old Vietnam Vet.
Thank You For Your Service To America on Dec 5 2009 in NYC.
God has blessed America with you.
CWO George Samek US Army Ret.
Gathering of Eagles NC
When rational, stated 'reasons' so jarringly MISS connecting with Reality, (Holder's stated reasons for trying KSM in NYC) then all that's left are irrational excuses for some Hidden Agenda...
When the NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES (of revealing so many intelligence sources to defense attorneys for KSM) are SO OBVIOUS and SO REAL, then Holder (and his puppeteers) MUST BE COMPLICIT in this America-gutting exercise!
I've tempered my language CONSIDERABLY so as to be presentable to a General Audience, but my feelings run HIGH on this, Urban!
Ths post has been cross-lnked to Unted Conservatves of Vrginia. Good Job everyone!!!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing these with us. It is so wonderful to see other Americans out there and upset as I am!!!!
Excellent job, U/I! I have been wondering, too, about this rally - really happy to see the photos.
Thank you for going and photographing and sharing- I got sick and could not come- thank you!
Thank you for going- for taking pics and for sharing!
WANTED. ASAP.....Foster Homes For Displaced Jihadist !!
Stand Up For Change @ Gitmo !!
Rest Homes for Freed ..Islamic.. Jihadist ..Terrorist No Limit !!
Applications must be forwarded .***..ASAP ..to "..The White House....attn..The One....aka....Jihadist Lincoln
***Please use the new BHO Web Site !!
Requirements for New..Foster.. Homes.In ...The New America....Post... Jan 20 2009
1.............Basement suitable for the manufacture of Nail Bombs
2.............Access to hight Speed Internet back to the combat zone
3 .... .......Strict Islamic Diet
4. ...........No Dogs..Pigs . ect
5. ...........Small children ..re..Nail Bombs
5. ...........Prayer Room faceing Mecca
6. ...........Young 12 year old American Virgins to comfort him after
his ..long stay @ Club Gitmo..
........... ..Young ..Non... Virgin.. ..Wife.. OK !!
7........ ...Gunzu Knife Set
8............Total lack of education concerning the....
Conversion...Slavery,..or..Die....Thingie !!
9............Must have access to household funding accounts.
10...........Must have clean mud wall to wipe off hand after his
visit to.."The Outhouse "
Go..For.. It ..Blue ..People !!
Your... Dreams ..Have ..Come ..True
American Power tracked-back with, 'Protesters Rally Against 9/11 Terror Trials in New York/.
Gitmo is a 400 million dollar facility built with our tax dollars. That's enough of our hard earned money spent on these murderers! Leave these beasts at Gitmo!
Thank you to all who gathered in NY today. My heart goes out to all my fellow Americans who lost their loved ones on this day. I will never forget 9/11 and I will never forget Ft. Hood.
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers
UI, you never cease to impress.
I came over from JWF, and I've added you to favorites.
Great stuff here, an I really appreciate your work.
I was not aware until today that KSM was involved with the Daniel Pearl murder.
I'd like to link to your post here with a H/T on my blog, and possibly embed one of the videos as a lead for my post.
Let me know what you think about that, and either way thansk for your great work!!!
Please excuse my lack of proofreading my previous post. It has been a long day.
Excellent pics, great folks. Thanks for posting this. I was Michelle Malkin's tweet, with the link to your site.
Great Job, UI
It was a pleasure to see you again, if only briefly, at the rally.
I linked to your report.
Terrific job. Trackback at GM's Place and with a note of thanks from GM!
here's another video of yesterday's event.
Imagine: Fox, C-Span and Urban Infidel! Thanks for your efforts, excellent, as always.
Great work!! This is a travesty and must be stopped. Eric Holder needs to be impeached. If Obama and Holder loved America they would not be trying KSM in a civilian trial. They are both disgraceful. Terrorists captured in the battlefield are not entitled to civilian's rights. They should be tried in a military tribunal.
I found your blog through MAINFO's blog. I linked your blog to the video I posted of the KSM protest.
Certainly, the BHO administration is aware of this protest in NYC.
But they don't care! They're determined to push dhimmitude down Americans' throats.
good post
Wow, Great photos! Lve yourblog!
well years have passed and KSM is still at Gitmo. IF he had been tried in New York City by a Federal court he would have already have been sentenced. You people prevented his trial, how do you feel about that now?
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