Monday, April 06, 2009
Previous Photo Essays
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- AIG Political Street Art
- A Night with Geert Wilders in New York City
- Obama Deification Syndrome
- Israel and Gaza Demonstrations New York City
- Veterans Day Parade New York City 2008
- U.S. Presidential Election 2008
- Muslim Day Parade 2008
- Obama as Superman?
- Ahmadinejad Protest New York City
- Ground Zero: September 11, 2008
I am trying to remember who paited the Mexican murals with the skeletons
The demonization of corporations is part of the leftist meme. It's quite effective at divering people from the real causes of economic problems -- leftista policies.
It IS Uglier!
And more unhinged.
The lefty cultists have a death wish.
Spoiled children, never blended in.
Striving to make the world conform to their psychotic fantasies.
Doomed to failure. Even if they get their wishes, the wishes will eat them alive.
The ONLY HOPE for America is A GREAT AWAKENING UNTO ALMIGHTY GOD. If WE THE PEOPLE who are called by His name don't start calling out to Almighty God NOW for a GREAT AWAKENING, we are going to lose this glorious land that we love. It has been 101 years since the Almighty was merciful and sent a Great Awakening to our country. NOW WE MUST HAVE IT OR kiss America good-bye. II Chronicles 7:14
Lord, send GREAT AWAKENING to America... we love her... we love her... we love her.
9-11 Family makes an impassioned plea, and Americans dedicated to the Glory of God (Baha'is) echo it, fervently!
Until that awakening, this street art is reminding us that The Prez and Friends BULLIED banks into making home loans to THOUSANDS of people who could NOT pay back those loans, and now the 'artists' want to Bomb a Banker? as if this all was the fault or doing of BANKERS?
Dear Leader President has MUCH to answer for...
And responding to beakerkin, (above) MANY Mexican artists have used skulls and skeletons in murals... the skulls symbolize (sur-prise!) DEATH...
But Jose Clemente Orozco comes to mind...
It took 220 years to build a Repubilc under God and ONE month to destroy it.
Why aren't Barney Franks, Chris Dodd and Maxine Waters in JAIL? This administration is so busy pointing out AIG millions what about the BILLIONS they gave to France, UK, Germany that is not being reported?
At this Passover Lenten Season how we as a Judeo-Christian nation need to humble ourselves and cry out for divine intervention. The Almighty has done it before I know he will do it again.
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The bad news comes in fours.
1. They remain children themselves.
2. The consumers of bad art, and this is bad art,
are in charge.
3. They are locked into a culture of Death that is
defenseless to our enemies.
4. Whereas 100 years ago public education was seen as part of the democratic mission to uplift the common citizenry we are now at the end of an extended project that has denied the mass of the citizenry contact with the cultural vocabulary of Western Civilization.
Please be careful Nosub. The rage which was supposed to disappear when O saved the country seems only to have deepened. Ironically, this street artist probably does not have a regular job or a bank account and is probably living in an artists hostelry.
as long as no Musssssssslims were offended during the art fest..its all good right?..pffttt!..great find girl!
As of this weekend, the thing has been papered over by ads.
I'm sure it won't be the last we'll see of these.
Excellent coverage...great signs! The Che-ange was quite clever...
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