Ground Zero Mosque Protest New York City
Peaceful demonstration with one minor disturbance from possible infiltrators, updates to follow.
Tuesday, June 8 - UPDATE: There is a report that a a crew of Coptic Egyptian Christian journalists who came to NYC to cover the event were mistaken for infiltrators and were shouted at. The police took care of the situation quickly. No violence of any kind reported. I am very sorry that the journalists were mistreated in any way. Details to follow.
Thursday, June 10 - UPDATE: The Coptic Christian journalists have a issued a statement clarifying what happened. It was a situation in which a misunderstanding was quickly resolved and they were able to freely join and interact with the other demonstrators without incident.
Lots, and lots of VIDEO below. Take a look at the photo slide show.
Here's the complete photo gallery!
LET ME BE CLEAR. I don't care if a mosque is built in NYC. There are plenty. In fact, there's a huge mosque uptown on 97th Street where I grew up. We have freedom of religion here, thank God and the Constitution. But you have to ask yourself, why there? And why on the anniversary of the attacks? That is taking a step way over the line for a group that is so sensitive. The organizer of the mosque has also some very questionable ideas about the attacks.
VIDEO: Simon Deng, who was enslaved as a child by Arabs in his native land, Sudan, speaks about the first attack on the WTC orchestrated by the blind sheik, Omar Abdel-Rhahman.
I spoke to a woman whose son was on flight 175. She said that he called her several times from the plane during the hijacking to tell her what was happening. In the last call he knew he was going to die. He told her, "Don't worry. It will be quick." Then silence.
Must-see VIDEO: First responder with an emotional and vivid account of what it was like to be there on September 11, 2001.
Complete videos of all of the speakers can be seen at SIOA!
Highly recommended. Each and every one of them were great!
UPDATE: July 1, 2010. According to the New York Daily News,
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!: August, 6, 2010
Great News!
The Honorable Dutch MP, Geert Wilders will be speaking at the next demonstration against the Ground Zero mosque scheduled for Saturday, September 11th at 2 PM!
UPDATE: August 10, 2010
PLEASE SEE this from Blue Collar Corner:
The 911 Hard Hat Pledge
"Here are the names of union and non-union tradesman who refuse to work the site of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. We feel we have been betrayed by our civic leaders and elected officials as they allow the Cordoba Initiative Group build their Mega-Mosque on top of the ashes of the 3,000 innocents who were slaughtered on 911."
* * *
*** UPDATE 9/11/2010:
For my report on the September 11, 2010 memorial events and demonstrations at Ground Zero, please click here.
Highly recommended. Each and every one of them were great!
UPDATE: July 1, 2010. According to the New York Daily News,
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!: August, 6, 2010
Great News!
The Honorable Dutch MP, Geert Wilders will be speaking at the next demonstration against the Ground Zero mosque scheduled for Saturday, September 11th at 2 PM!
UPDATE: August 10, 2010
PLEASE SEE this from Blue Collar Corner:
The 911 Hard Hat Pledge
"Here are the names of union and non-union tradesman who refuse to work the site of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. We feel we have been betrayed by our civic leaders and elected officials as they allow the Cordoba Initiative Group build their Mega-Mosque on top of the ashes of the 3,000 innocents who were slaughtered on 911."
* * *
*** UPDATE 9/11/2010:
For my report on the September 11, 2010 memorial events and demonstrations at Ground Zero, please click here.
spray pigs blood all over the place, before during and after the place gets built. Islam is a 1 way ticket to Hell!
Great pics and vid, UI. Thank you. I am linking this post to my blog too. Countless Canadians stand with you.
Great event!Next time we all need to come there and stand up for America! Only if we speak up they will hear us.
I'm so proud of these fine Americans who attended this protest in NYC today, although it is shameful only hundreds, in a city of millions, came out to support this important cause. (Pretty fun to see my husband in your pics, though!)
-Proud Californian
thank you for this coverage - i will post it on FB
Huge thanks to everyone for showing up to voice the disgust that an overwhelming majority of Americans feel towards building a symbol of Hatred on sacred ground.
Need to get a permit to have a Pork BBQ directly across from the site of this despicable, vile temple whose members worship a pedophile and preach death to all non-believers.
Great to see my dear friend Beverly Perlson expressing her spot on view of the PC Sickness that is spreading like the Plague.
This is WRONG !!! No other way to say it. It's just plain Wrong !!!
Mike Blankenship
Suffolk, Va.
That Lady was Bev Perlson and she is a fireball. Good job UI.
For such a big event, it sure is strange that not one single New York City news outlet is reporting this tonight. I looked on,,, NYPostcom and could not find one mention of the story. Weird, because all it takes is 100 union members having a protest outside of City Hall and the news crews are all over it.
@ jamie
Well you don't need to worry, because it made international news.
Not something I'd be proud of though. I'm sure if Bin Laden saw this he'd love it.
The last thing radicals of any cause or religion want to see is tolerance. The more you hate, the more you help them out.
Outstanding. I may snag one of your pics and link back to you.
Keep up the fight in that side and I'll keep it up out here.
We have to wake up before we can rise up lest we die in our slumber. What kind of world are we providing for our children and our children's children? Islam says "peace" while it secretly plots your destruction. Pigs blood is only one of many answers. This is a fight for life as we knew it.
I hope NY and whole America can prevent the building of a gigantic mosque at Ground Zero. This place is soaked with blood of the victims of islamic terror. And a mosque build on jewish and christian blood is exactly what the terrorist wanted. Please, do not give them another victory and please do not taunt the victims and their families!
There is not a single islamic country, were Christians, Jews and Non-Muslims in gerneral are not discriminated, restricted in worshiping, or even tortured or killed for their religion. Not to speak about building new churches! We already showed enough tolerance and hospitality to Muslims. They have their Mosques, they have their freedom and their rights like every US citizen. So now, it is really time to say NO!
Great photos and videos. I too went to the protest, here's my Photo report from the protest against the Ground Zero mosque in NYC.
Thank you for this coverage. I am amazed to see virtually no coverage by the media on this. The dhimmitude is astounding!
BTW, born and bred in da Bronx, though I now live in SoCal. Question: where are they gonna finf a bunch of blue collar construction workers in NYC to build this mosque? Could you imagine the reaction of neighbors in Queens, Brooklyn, the bronx, to learn that Paddy next door was building a mosque?
Kick them the HELL out !
you will sufer more ! SAYN Ofor islam
I'm sharing this on my FB, U.I. - great compilation!
I too am amazed, but not surprised. The State Run Media wants to enable Jihad at every opportunity. Not because it makes any sense, but because they embrace 'social justice.' Well, their definition of that, at least.
But what are New Yorkers doing about the non-Muslim politicians who are making this happen on 'sacred ground'? I am happy to see the demonstrations, but will I be happy to see the final result?
I think its racist to deny these people a religion establishment.
All religions are accepted here and none is higher than the other.
Be tolerant.
Someone said putting a mosque at Ground Zero is like hoisting a victory flag. True or not? You can't know unless the people behind the construction actually came out and said it. But with the location and the start date of construction being Sept. 11, their motivation for this is questionable at best.
I am Manjunath from India, one of the countries whose culture and civilisation was ravaged by the barbaric Muslims. The Mussies take pride to claim Islam means peace. They are true to a good extent as there is always peace in graveyard.
The decision to build a mosque at 9/11 site shows the mental bankruptcy of the US authorities. The US authorities are deliberately insulting not only the 9/11 victims but the sufferers of Islamic militancy.
It also shows the defeat of the US authorities at the hands of Jehadi elements.
the mosque they want to build will be named "CORDOBA" Center
I went to Wikipedia and check:
It was captured in 711[3] by a Muslim army: in 716 it became a provincial capital, depending from the Caliphate of Damascus; in Arabic it was known as قرطبة (Qurṭuba). In May 766, it was elected as capital of the independent Muslim emirate of al-Andalus, later a Caliphate itself. During the caliphate apogee (1000 AD), Córdoba had a population of roughly 400,000 inhabitants,[4] though estimates range between 250,000 and 500,000. In the 10th-11th centuries Córdoba was one of the most advanced cities in the world, as well as a great cultural, political, financial and economic centre. The Great Mosque of Córdoba dates back to this time;
GUys: please use dyour neurones!!!!
I have recently returned to The UK after vacationing in US. I was discusted to hear that there is a movement to build a Mosque near to Ground Zero. I cant believe that your Government would even entertain such a plan. Who in their right mind would condone placing a statue of Adolf Hitler in Isreal. We all say we will never forget, it would appear that there are those with very short memories. Come on my American Friends, do not let this Monsterous temple of hatred be built!
It seems that your Government is just like ours in the Uk, they take no notice of the people and allow something like this to be built. There are plans for an enormous Mosque to be built on the Olympic site in really have to wonder 'WHY' our Governments are cowed by Islam and what is their secret agenda, and why they continously bow down to their demands.
Thank yall for putting on this protest for the rest of us who wish we could be there.
You know it really is amazing what the Bible says about Ishmaels’ people always being at war with the world.
You dumb bastards. Building the mosque is about healing the rift between Islam and America, not about taunting you or laughing at you. As a proud Canadian, I am ashamed at my fellow white folk weeping and gnashing their teeth about the monster hiding under their bed like children. You say that terrorists hate America for its freedoms. Those freedoms are the very ones that the right wing protests. Rights for homosexuals. Rights for women, abortions in particular. Religious freedom, for ALL religions, not just Christian. This sort of protest would play well in Saudi Arabia, but the reason that it's so small is because real patriots find you all repulsive.
The anonymous Canadian commenter above is incredibly naive! How does one breathe with their head buried so deeply in the sand like that?
By definition, islam should not be granted the title of a religion! It has never been anything more than an excuse to justify the most terrible acts of human cruelty, repression of women, slavery, murder, and conquest. I wish I could ask the victims of 911 and the women stoned for adultery or shot in an honor killing if they think islam is a religion of peace. Freedom of religion should only be granted to groups that practice religion , not murder and genocide.
USA is run by a muslim president .
USA media is sold to muslim oil money.
USA Liberal and leftists sleep with muslims.
Islam is a cult of hate and violencestarted by a killer,asssin, pedophile, rapist robber and the most violent man who ever lived. Why is islam given the priviledges , rights and tax breaks of a religion?
Can the Canadian commentator see the irony of calling people 'dumb bastards', when in fact he's exactly that. You are indeed naive if you think Islam has anything to do with peace.
Someone asked how this commentator breathes when his head is buried in the sand. It isn't buried in the sand, it's stuck well and truly up his arse. No wonder he talks shit.
How to stop construction of the GROUND ZERO MOSQUE
I was at protest. Speakers were good. I wish that Deng elaborated on experience in Sudan. Spencer is brilliant.True, mosque was there previously without incident. Wasn't it the Sufi joint? I believe they want to stick our noses in crap by building something grandiose as they're planning.
if this kind of a fiasco would have happened in Israel. and we would have protested against the mosque the entire world would have go on condemning us for racism.
Loved this protest for the unintentional irony. Multiple people with signs calling for tolerance, re: the middle east, followed by people kicking out (read: getting close to beating) two Egyptians for speaking Arabic. Thankfully the police were able to save them.
Great show of tolerance by the crowd. "They speak Arabic, they must be muslim, hurr! Lets get em!"
The protest would have been a great symbol had that not happened, but it proved that this protest was nothing more than thinly veiled racism.
Great video
There are still Christians in Mexico and all Latin America who are ready to counter-balance the presence of Mahomedans in this continent. We are loyal to our culture and values and we never let that the islamization of America happens. You are not alone.
I didn't really agree with having a mosque be built so close to the memorial, but reading about those two christian Egyptian men that had to be rescued by police, it made me realize that I don't want to support you people that are so blindly intolerant.
America either has freedom of religion, or it doesn't. You can't cherry pick what you choose to follow in the constitution.
I don't agree with anyone being shouted at and I was troubled by that too. But it didn't end badly and the Egyptian Christian journalists issued a statement. You should read it. It's in the link at the top of the report.
It was an isolated incident for which the entire 10,000 people should not be blamed.
Clearly, American Muslims (who are actually much more educated than yourselves) live in a land of ignorance.
Excellent work. Great to see this.
Does any one else find it odd that those in opposition to the mosque are overwhelmiingly WHITE when NYC is only 45% White?
How is that even relevant? White, yellow, green, orange or black. So what! It has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kudos to you for posting this, and welcome to my blogroll!
These people will do far more damage to America than any terrorist ever will. The fact that only 400 people were "protesting" goes to show the majority of New Yorkers and Americans are decent human beings who won't cower and allow terrorist to take away American values, respect and decency.
To Anonymous comment above:
There were thousands there, NOT 400. I don't know where you got that number.
Secondly, if you think that the FDNY, the NYPD, the 9/11 families and the survivors are 'more dangerous to America than terrorists' you're completely nuts.
Seeing all these people gathered for such an occasion fills my heart with great pride for America. Now I see there are real conscious citizens who are partiots of their country. I wish I were there with them. Hope people in my country are half as aware as Americans. People of the world, stand together against the evil cult of islam!
Solidarity from Belarus!
USA be strong you are in a new kind of war.
Solidarity from Israel
UPDATE - July 1, 2010: According to the New York Daily News more than half of the voters in NYC oppose the building of the mosque near Ground Zero.
So I say to all of those who said the protesters were in the minority, YOU ARE WRONG!!
Islam is a cult of murder,rape and slavery. it has no place among civilized people.
I am from Milwaukee.
I am surprised/ shocked to say that this big and significant event was not given the coverage it deserved. Did the major TV networks cover it in primetime news? COWARDS! If we don't stand up to Islamication, we will end up like Europe or India where they are just a corner away from being converted to Muslim countries.
Our PC and all the liberal minded thugs who dub us to be "un- American" will take us to the hell of Sharia.
Luckily we have some people in America who are becoming aware of it. But everyone needs to know what they are setting themselves up for.
hi i am Israeli (sorry if i have a bad English)
and we watch in great concern what is going on in our last ally USA.
most of us Israelites hope that the Americans will wake up and see what is happening in Europe.
we are worried that you will not fall as Europe did. and then we will be the last to stand against them.
Be strong USA. Wake up. you will probably be called to save the world again
Muslims are not terrorists, only people who destroyed the wtc are terrorists. there are Christian, Jewish, and non religious terrorists not only Muslims leave us alone.
If this mosque is build and next to it is a church and a jewish temple. Religions will unite against terrorism. Muslims are against what happened in 9/11/01
In addition this mosque will do no harm to anyone if you want to join Islam= religion of peace, join it if you don't want to ignore it. Don't enter our bubble
While in incredibly bad taste, and while this is definitely a slap in the face of the families or friends who lost anybody that day, the government has no right in stepping in to stop the building of the mosque. I'm sorry, but The Constitution, or what's left of it, needs to mean something. What vestiges of freedom we have left needed be completely shit on.
Personally, though, whoever is being funding this monstrosity.. er, mosque.. is filth and will never be able to wash their hands clean if they do not halt plans immediately. There are many other places to build mosques and places with much, much lower land costs.
This is clearly reprehensible coming from a so-called "religion of peace". The more it seems, the more it appears that the extremists outnumber the peaceful in Islam.
It all started in 1987 when a group of die hard Wahabis took over the Black Stone in Mecca to protest the Saudi regime's collusion with the infidels (The West). At that time the Saudi Royal family worked a satanic deal with the rebels: In exchange for the rebels silence they would fund to spread Whabism allover the world. This is the truth in few lines. Now if we would ever come down from our liberal and pretentious horses and regain a modicum of common sense we would declare our intention of not being taken for asses because of our freedoms and do a very deep soul search about them, especially when they are used to ax us. If I were the Prez, I would go to the Saudi Royals and confront them once and for all with their duplicity and make clear that this two faced policy won't be tolerated anymore. Were the Wahabists succesfull in hitting the USA with more terrorist acts like 9/11 or worse we would immediately retaliate with the nuclear destruction of Mecca and Medina. Think about it, one of the five tenets of Islam, the Haj, would not be possible for 10k years. Pronto, the hubris out of this despicable set of archaic beliefs masquerading as spiritual practices, would go FLAT. I am NOT saying we SHOULD DO IT, just make the Saudis, the real snake pit in all this, aware that it could be possible and they would be ultimately to blame for it.
If they want a mosque, they can build it somewhere ELSE.
***NOT*** WHERE RADICAL MUSLIMS MURDERED INNOCENT PEOPLE! That's like going and painting anti-semitic talk and swastikas all over Holocaust memorials.
Ground Zero should be hallowed as a memorial site and a memorial site ONLY.
This mosque isn't merely a slap in the face to the people who lost loved ones at the Twin Towers; it's spitting on their loved one's graves!
Instead of a mega mosque at Ground Zero, let’s build a 9-11 war memorial to the victims. That will give us the opportunity to redress yet another insult: the current plan for a 9-11 museum is several floors underground, like a dungeon. And the mosque plan calls for the mosque to be on the top floor, looking down triumphantly on the burial ground of Ground Zero.
I don’t think so.
That place should be a war memorial, a historic landmark.
Three thousand good and decent Americans did not die in vain. And we have not forgotten them, even if Mayor Bloomberg and the rest of the New York political establishment have.
A mosque at Ground Zero is like a Japanese monument at Pearl Harbor -
aggressors shouldn't celebrate at the site of aggression.
Building this thing will only cause more pain. Build a memorial for the victims who were murdered instead.
God rest the souls of the near 3,000 that died on 911 ...
They that lost their lives that day would not want it built in Manhattan for any reason. Build it in HARLEM NEXT TO CHARLEY RANGEL'S APARTMENTS...
It is an insult to ALL Americans that a NY City panel would approve such a site to be built near ground zero. What are these people thinking? They say its about building a community, showing the positive side of Islam but that is not what this is about. Its about insulting all the people who lost a loved one on 9/11.
I am absoulutly appalled at even the thought of a mosque at ground zero.
Next election I ask the people of New York to vote out the mayor and city planners and whomever else that supports this plan. Shame on them.
Keep the faith people of New York!! You are not alone on this.
Huntington Beach Ca
I have read that that the Iman teaches Wahabi Islam which is not mainstream. This particular branch/sect was born in Saudi Arabia--the country which sent us the majority of the 9/11 hijackers. If Iman refuses to state his paymayster, I have no trouble guessing that he wants to conceal the Saudi origin.
There will a solemn protest on Saturday, September 11th near the site of the former WTC.
Details to come.
The honorable Dutch MP, Geert Wilders will be speaking at the protest against the Ground Zero mosque scheduled for Saturday, September 11th at 2 pm.
You people are disgusting! If you weren't so arragont you would see why they want to build a mosque here but of course, you're American so all you see is what you want to see.
For a nation that considers itself the world leader in religious tolerance, the US is certainly not acting it's part.
I can understand opposing the mosque, but some of the comments here are pretty anti-Islamic.
"spray pigs blood all over the place, before during and after the place gets built."
"Need to get a permit to have a Pork BBQ directly across from the site of this despicable, vile temple whose members worship a pedophile and preach death to all non-believers."
I could go on. What have the NYC Muslims done? Some even died in the attacks themselves. Muslims =/= Terrorists.
Your fear mongering and McCarthyism disgusts me. DISGUSTS ME. You people are the reason there can't be peace in the world. How can you make friends with Muslims while saying comments like that.
Side note: I lol'd at the pedophile part. Because, you know, no other religion has that problem.
Islam is the world’s largest Hate Group; by doctrine they advocate killing and mutilation of all but the converted. By deed they will even kill their own. They make the Skin Heads and Aryan Nation look like saints. Any organization that advocated the destruction of our construction and the elimination of our laws is a threat to our nation and must be treated as such. As a Hate Group and Threat to our Constitution we must move to eliminate their Tax Exempt status as a start… What patriot has the money to force the government to do this???
Just bury a pig in the ground, they'll never use the premises.
More people have died in the name of spreading Christianity than any other religion in the world. So how can you point fingers, saying Muslims are the worlds largest hate group?
Christian priests still molest the children in their congregations. So how can you point fingers, saying Muslims worship pedophiles?
You say the majority of NYC voted against the Mosque, but clearly the majority of NYC didn't care enough to show up at your protest.
Don't you see the similarity? You hate Muslims the same way Bin Laden hates Christians and Jews. You and all the people who think like you are just as hateful as Bin Laden.
Do you hate Muslims?
Your hate is the reason this world is falling apart..
eventually we will all blame the jews and the state of israel so why bother argue
PLEASE SEE this from Blue Collar Corner:
The 911 Hard Hat Pledge
Here are the names of union and non-union tradesman who refuse towork the site of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. We feel we have been betrayed by our civic leaders and elected officials as they allow the Cordoba Initiative Group build their Mega-Mosque on top of the ashes of the 3,ooo innocents who were slaughtered on 911.
this is WRONG they have no right to make ground zero and people pay for bull shit mosque. stupid f***kin Obama ... if this happens then America will be on there knees to Islam
No muslim should come close to the twin towers. Mosque. Apartment. Anything. They are the root of all evil.
I am sending this from Doncaster in England & if I was a American citizan would class myself as a democrat but I cannot for the life in me understand Obama. Islam is a Cancer & like all Cancers requires iradicating, Muslims are intent on world domination & I will not stand by & see this happen. My heart goes out to all the American people who lost loved ones in this atroicity, Please fight Obama to your last breath.
there is no need to take it that far.
Understand Islam, research BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR STUPID IGNORANT COMMENTS! Its not muslims as a whole who are to blame for this building being built. The religion is not preaching to go build a 'ground zero mosque' to piss you off.
It is DISGUSTING that you are taking this out on all muslims EVEN children who are just trying to live their lives in peace. (Operation Save America)
Children who live in your country alongside your children and are americans just like you.
Did you ever think that they are building this on purpose to incite hatred and intolerance and you are all falling for it like the dummies you are?!
I can't say that I even think it is the best idea as a lot of people don't like it and it can be seen as insensitive. But DON'T take it out on INNOCENT PEOPLE. People who really believe in God do not have to act out like this.
Im sorry but i feel compelled to speak up for the vunerable people who get attacked by idiots when who you should be attacking is the ACTUAL SOURCE.
open your eyes. question. think.
Peace for the world. BE THE CHANGE U WANT 2 C.
English Lady
Americans your country is the reason that peace and love is being stamped out across the world.
I know its hard for you to use your brains but do try. Its good for your health.
Understand something (like Islam) BEFORE you comment might make you sound a bit less ignorant than the idiots you already sound like
From England
i am afraid that europe is already lost to the "religion of peace" islam.
here's some videos of the last british who dares to say his mind.
i am surprised that he is still alive.
best regards. youre great mr. pat condell
Islam religion of "peace"- lol
You people are fucking idiots. In honesty, Christianity and Islam are being used as an excuse to fucking kill people who have nothing to do with things. Stop saying all that shitty "Hail jesus. Kill the arabs" crap, you're just showing that your as much of an asshole as the extremists.
Ground zero victims??? hey....!!! that includes around 300 Muslims who worked there during the attack and died....!
To the above comment. Not including the Islamic terrorists themselves, there were about 30 muslims killed in the attacks on September 11th, NOT 300. Check your facts.
People need to take a first intelligent step and stop calling islam a religion.
Islam is one of the world's oldest fascist cults. It controls 1.5 Billion muslims world-wide. If only 1% are sociopathic fanatics or just plain theocratic imbeciles, that's millions of potential terrorists in our midst.
So long as islam is listed as a sanctioned religion then it can do whatever it wants in the west.
I live in a small Canadian capital city in western Canada and almost every day now we see these totally covered muslim women (sometimes with one muslim man), with just their eyes showing, in public.
One woman wearing a full bourqa or hijab with full face cover in a local Walmart actually blocked one male customer from entering the shopping isle where she was browsing with a child in her cart. The customer, stopped... and walked around. His freedom to just walk down the isle was taken away. In Canada we cannot say anything against islam due to our strict 'hate crime' laws.
I don't hate muslims, in general but I sure dont' want their brand of theocratic, fundamentalist fascism dictating how we live here.
The moderates don't count either... since they are rejected by the main stream islam followers.
What is proposed at Ground Zero where Canadians died too... is wrong. It is insightful and may require some really serious protesting.
I forgot to say in my last post... your new President is looked upon as a bit of an islamic ass kisser here in Canada now. Everyone at first thought wow! a Blackish president (actually he's whitish and blackish)Either way... he is losing favor here now.
Our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper is a strong Christian, but he has not commented.
The Canadian islamic society has sent a note to that muslim idiot Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf and advised him NOT to build a mosque at Ground Zero. They said it was insightful. Sure... it is....and Rauf knows it. He needs to be 'taken out'.
Obama is courting the wrong kinds of people. This proposed Ground Zero mosque is sacrilege and Obama really needs to sit down and think before he speaks next time.
In addition, I'd like to know as a Canadian where the $100,000,000 in cash for the mosque is coming from. Likely from terrorist organizations and/or their supporters in islamic theocracies around the world.
Some of the American anonymous posters on this web site seem to think that anti-islamists are not very bright or don't have their facts straight.
Ok... let's assume that you are right, then feel free to take me on instead. I'm a well educated Canadian, a historian and scientist who has traveled and lived around the world. I have seen the effects of islamic fundamentalist fascism first hand and even the most basic uneducated poster on this site has the common sense to see the problem with building a mosque at Ground Zero and the fortitude to say something about it. Leave them alone, take me on instead if you think you are so clever.
This isn't about attacking muslim children, or making other people's lives miserable... it's about common decency.
Look...I've known and I now know some very good muslim people where I live. But these people would never be accepted in strict islamic theocracies based on their current life styles. They live mostly like you and me. Ok... it's true they pray 5 times per day... and they get paid to do that here in Canada too.. and they have special islamic banks now where they can borrow without 'usery' fees and their kids go to islamic schools, and some hate Israelis etc... But nonetheless... they are still nice people on the outside.
The point is... Ground Zero is a place where people who believed in life and living in freedom, had their lives snuffed out cruelly by other people who were part of the islamic fascist faction and building a mosque at that site is just plain insensitive.
americans just watch this
Blessings to our last allies from Israel.
the hypocrisy of intolerance is comical
I would like to formally protest the building of a Catholic church at the site of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Timothy McVeigh was Catholic, and that means all Catholics are responsible for his actions. It's insensitive to the families of the people who died there, to allow this violent religion to put a church that close to the site of those murders. It would be a victory church, don't allow it!
hey Tastypaper go on ahead, organize, and protest. Thats your right.
Now leave us to ours.
Hey all,
I'm not an American...but I STRONGLY DISAGREE about Obama's stupid decision about building a mosque on Ground Zero (Or near it...). From the moment he become a President USA, I knew he has something hidden...Since I'm not an American, so I can't do anything like joining in the protest. Please please..Americans...Don't let it to happen...Muslim is not about peace...I pity on muslim people coz they've been deceived by the false prophet mohammad. Don't let the mosque standing there, it's the same you let the center of evil in USA...Please Americans...Do something !!
I believe that the House of Rita needs to be built across the street or next store to the proposed Muslim site. The Hebrew community center which will also allow all to worship, swim and learn. Will the Muslims allow that or will they get disturbed and protest it.
I will donate for it to be built
Check your history books. It is Muslim tradition to build a Mosque on a defeated enemies holy ground. Look at the Hagia Sophia or the great Mosque in Jerusalem.
Yes, they would build it elsewhere if they could. The twin tower site or the pentagon com to mind...
please can everyone stop this hysterical hatred?
the terrorists that flew into the twin towers weren't real muslims you know. real muslims are everyday people like you and me. they're religion shares a theme of love and family just as christianity does.
leave your hatred behind, or it will just breed more hatred.
Soon Iran Will Have the Bomb
And We Shall All see The "Light" Of Islam
It's a shame that people are so ignorant: Let's see how the brain of an ignorant person works. Bash every Islamic person because of what a few did, let's bash all the police officers because of a few bad apples; let’s bash every African American because one robbed me. Let's bash every Italian because I "heard" they are part of the mafia.
Wait a minute let’s hate every man out there because Scott Peterson was a murder and a man, wasn’t he also a Christian, I guess I have to hate all Christian also; I forgot he was white; I guess I have to hate all Caucasians too. Shall I hate everyone with blue eyes because of Robert Chambers? Wait he lived in New York I guess I have to hate all New Yorkers also.
Shall I hate all Mormon’s because of Ted Bundy? And everyone born in Texas because of Richard Ramirez, and every Jew because of Bernard Madoff. I guess I should hate all teenagers because a FEW killed a Mexican in Patchogue? Shall I hate everyone living in Brooklyn because Son of Sam was born there? Shall I go on? I can. But an ignorant person may be to slow to understand anything I wrote.
you're racist. the mosque will go up. i pity you and your small minded, bigoted ways. islam is a religion of peace/.
As a a Saudi I am deeply disturbed by the posts on this blog. They reflect a level of intolerance and bigotry parallel/exceeding what exists in many other parts of the world. I would like to make a few comments though:
1. One anonymous poster states "I have read that that the Iman(sic) teaches Wahabi Islam which is not mainstream. This particular branch/sect was born in Saudi Arabia-- " this only reflects the level of ignorance of some of these posters. this imam is a sufi. Sufism and wahabism are the exact opposite of each other. If you note, the imam is not coming to Saudi on his current US State Department sponsored trip to the Gulf states.
2. Many protesters oppose the community center on the basis that no churches are allowed in Mecca. So now you Americans want to follow in our footsteps? this is a great source of pride for us Saudis. First of all remember that no mosques / synagogues / Buddhist temples are allowed in the Vatican either. Now it is true that this prohibition is practiced across Saudi, but in reality when foreigners live here in their western-styled ultra luxurious compounds they do whatever they want. Co-ed swimming pools, gyms, women driving, and even sometimes alcohol is wheeled in from their consulates or embassies. What I do not condone is the ill treatment of foreign laborers or the lack of their places of worship outside of these compounds. These abhorrent attitudes have more to do with tribalism and lack of education and are against the spirit of Islam.
3. Many of you bigots have spoken up now against the Saudi gov. in this post 9/11 era. Where were you all right wingers when your oil-loving republican governments were fully backing these oppressive and corrupt Arab regimes through the seventies, eighties, and nineties? Ah, because even though they were committing heinous acts against there own people they served American interests. The level of hypocrisy, double standards, and hate you Americans exhibit is appalling. It directly puts you at the same level as your "lowly" adversaries. The moderates and liberals amongst you are the only ones to give your country a sense of respect and dignity in the international community.
Those who have no real argument call others racist.
This has nothing to do with race. If the mosque was being built in midtown, uptown anywhere else, no one would even blink.
its one thing to say its a discrae to the victims of the attack, but its another thing to insult the whole religion, if all muslims are terrorists than all white christians are apart of the kkk. and btw. im not muslim, im a white christain TRUE PATRIOT who would die for the 1st ammendment.
What is WRONG with Obama???
Is he not listening to the American people?
Everyone do a search on Armenians in 1915 and how they had over 2,000 churches in Turkey that was taken away from them and turned into where they keep animals now.
What I read on an Islamic booklet:
First we will get the Jews. Then the Christians.
Islam is extremely intolerant of other religions. True followers of Islam will only destroy us. Nothing more to it.
Fact: Saudi does not allow any churches or synagogues. Why? Because Islam is intolerant.
Fact: Islamic countries ideally want the country run by Shariat. We all know how bad and inhuman Shariat is.
Fact: Women are treated as objects in Islamic regions.
Fact: Islam demands that followers extort zakat - a "protection money" tax - from Christians. If Christians provide the zakat, the you shall not kill them. But you shall treat them as third-rate citizens.
This is the real Islam. Islam can get very very dangerous for the rest of the world.
As witnessed in Afghanistan under Taliban - who enforced Islamic Shariat - all other religions WILL BE destroyed. Case in point: The world heritage Bamiyan Buddha megaliths.
We all MUST protest the building of a Mosque in NYC.
FACT: In Pakistan, Mosques are fronts for making bombs - which are used for killing Christians and the "kafirs" non-believers.
This was found because in one of the mosques, a bomb accidentally exploded - and this shameful act came to light.
FACT: The "madrassas" where Islam is taught to children -- is exactly where their intolerant traits, jihadi feelings, etc. are installed into young impressionable minds.
These Madrassas (in Pakistan, etc.) which were meant to teach the religion are being used to instigate young Muslim kids to become intolerant terrorists.
Western and Asian governments are well-aware of this. But no politician will want to touch this matter with a ten-foot pole -- because they do not want to lose their Muslim vote-banks.
All religious terror today -- is conducted by Muslims, Muslims, Muslims, Muslims and more Muslims hailing Allah and Islam.
Have you come across a Buddhist bomber bombing the British embassy because Britain is not Buddhist???
or Have you come across Christians outfits bombing offices and buildings in Saudi or Gulf?
or Have you come across Hindus bombing American or European countries because there are not enough temples???
But.. you HAVE come across Muslims (in the name of Allah) bombimg embassies all over the world. you HAVE come across Shariat countries beheading non-believers. you HAVE come across Islamic terrorists bombimg public places. you HAVE come across Muslims hijacking aeroplanes in the name of Allah.
Muslims, Muslims, Muslims, Allah, Allah, Islam.. How come all terrorist activities come from here? Why can't Muslims leave the other religions alone and let the rest of the world live in Peace?
Fact: Please read the Koran for yourself - and you will see how the Koran itself instructs the believers to wage war and torture and plunder the non-believers.
Muslims build Mosques over places they conquer.
America being their biggest enemy, they want to build a mosque at their place of attack. So that it will be their feather in their cap.
DO NOT ALLOW IT. Do not give them their victory cap!
There are so many other places in NY that you can build a mosque. Why only at Ground Zero????
Do you people think they are going to build a communal peace loving all-religion house of worship?
The Muslims don't tolerate any other Gods in any of their places of worship in any part of the world? Why are they talking about a multi-faith building now???
You think the Muslims suddenly had a change of heart or something?
Posters on this blog write their opinions as though the clock started ticking on 9/11. Many perceive Islam as the evil religion/political movement that wants to conquest the US and build 'victory' mosques. And that by the way, is the most stupid and ludicrous idea I have ever heard. Victory mosques may have been built at the height of the Islamic caliphate, when it was truly unrivaled scientifically, socially, and militarily. The current state of affairs of muslim nations is nothing to be proud or victorious about. Many posters are either blind or ignorant to the turbulent history of the muslim world after the fall of the Ottoman empire. Nations that were colonized then fragmented according to the "divide and conquer" policy employed by the British, French, and Italians continue to be amongst the most backward in the world, ailed by lack of education and infrastructure, and governed by authoritarian and corrupt western-backed regimes. Muslims have too many local issues to deal with than to erect 'victory' mosques in far away lands. American right wing media wants create sensationalism to drive viewership and advance its own agenda.
Whilst reading some of these posts i would swear i was reading the work of comedic geniuses. Do you people even hear yourselves? It's completely absurd. You act as if there are no muslims who were harmed by the attack of 9-11, you act as if there are no muslims who are americans, and you act as if islam was formed out of hate, instead of love, just the same as christianity and judaism. As i said in my blog there is no insensitivity in building a mosque 2 blocks away, it's not on top of ground zero, nor is it an al qaeda gift shop. It's an islamic house of worship. Considering an f-you from the islamic people is the most ignorant narrow minded, religiously intolerant thing of which i have ever heard.
lol u guys mad.
Violence in Islamic countries practiced by a fringe is wrong on both religious and ethical grounds and won't get them anywhere. However, it is not unexpected. If the US or any other sovereign nation were to be challenged by foreign conquest on military, economic and social levels and its own government stands helpless then some of its nationals will resort to violence and view it as their patriotic duty.
As stated earlier, the Islamic empire was fragmented into weaker nations less than a century ago. These smaller nations have since been governed by dysfunctional and corrupt Western-backed regimes. These regimes had made no notable investments in nation-building and instead continued to fill their coffers (e.g. the emirs and rulers of the Gulf states, the corrupt Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak etc.)
Intractable problems were also created, including the Israeli-Palestinian issue and dispute over Kashmir. Americans have been meddling in middle-eastern affairs and taking sides to only perpetuate these problems for their own interests. The region reached boiling point in the days leading to 9/11. I vividly remember the bloody IDF attack on Jenin refugee camp and the events that followed leading to the second intifada, including the extra-judicial assassinations of Palestinian leaders and/or mass imprisonments and blockades. America was seen as a sponsor of Israeli actions, providing it with arms and financial aid. Furthermore, the US vetoed every nonbinding anti-israel UN resolution. Public opinion of the US had reached rock bottom in the days leading to 9/11 in most of the Islamic world. Compounding the issue was the silence of incompetent Arab and Islamic rulers, save for the ineffective condemnations by the pathetic OIC and Arab League. It is on this background that a fringe (al qaeda) took matters in its own hands and engaged in mass murder of innocent civilians on 9/11. The muslim world's initial reaction ranged from jubilation to 'mild' condemnation. The events of 9/11 were not seen in isolation, but rather an extension of decades of perceived bias and hypocrisy by the United States against the islamic world. Those who did not condemn the attacks were not stripped of humanity, but because the american tax-payer was seen as complicit in their elected government's foreign policy, a gross oversimplification of political dynamics in the US obviously. So before you right wingers scream about muslim violence, there is a lot of history to be learn, and remember that the clock did not start ticking on 9/11.
Violence in Islamic countries practiced by a fringe is wrong on both religious and ethical grounds and won't get them anywhere. However, it is not unexpected. If the US or any other sovereign nation were to be challenged by foreign conquest on military, economic and social levels and its own government stands helpless then some of its nationals will resort to violence and view it as their patriotic duty.
As stated earlier, the Islamic empire was fragmented into weaker nations less than a century ago. These smaller nations have since been governed by dysfunctional and corrupt Western-backed regimes. These regimes had made no notable investments in nation-building and instead continued to fill their coffers (e.g. the emirs and rulers of the Gulf states, the corrupt Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak etc.)
Intractable problems were also created, including the Israeli-Palestinian issue and dispute over Kashmir. Americans have been meddling in middle-eastern affairs and taking sides to only perpetuate these problems for their own interests. The region reached boiling point in the days leading to 9/11. I vividly remember the bloody IDF attack on Jenin refugee camp and the events that followed leading to the second intifada, including the extra-judicial assassinations of Palestinian leaders and/or mass imprisonments and blockades. America was seen as a sponsor of Israeli actions, providing it with arms and financial aid. Furthermore, the US vetoed every nonbinding anti-israel UN resolution. Public opinion of the US had reached rock bottom in the days leading to 9/11 in most of the Islamic world. Compounding the issue was the silence of incompetent Arab and Islamic rulers, save for the ineffective condemnations by the pathetic OIC and Arab League. It is on this background that a fringe (al qaeda) took matters in its own hands and engaged in mass murder of innocent civilians on 9/11. The muslim world's initial reaction ranged from jubilation to 'mild' condemnation. The events of 9/11 were not seen in isolation, but rather an extension of decades of perceived bias and hypocrisy by the United States against the islamic world. Those who did not condemn the attacks were not stripped of humanity, but because the american tax-payer was seen as complicit in their elected government's foreign policy, a gross oversimplification of political dynamics in the US obviously. So before you right wingers scream about muslim violence, there is a lot of history to be learn, and remember that the clock did not start ticking on 9/11.
Violence in Islamic countries practiced by a fringe is wrong on both religious and ethical grounds and won't get them anywhere. However, it is not unexpected. If the US or any other sovereign nation were to be challenged by foreign conquest on military, economic and social levels and its own government stands helpless then some of its nationals will resort to violence and view it as their patriotic duty.
As stated earlier, the Islamic empire was fragmented into weaker nations less than a century ago. These smaller nations have since been governed by dysfunctional and corrupt Western-backed regimes. These regimes had made no notable investments in nation-building and instead continued to fill their coffers (e.g. the emirs and rulers of the Gulf states, the corrupt Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak etc.)
Intractable problems were also created, including the Israeli-Palestinian issue and dispute over Kashmir. Americans have been meddling in middle-eastern affairs and taking sides to only perpetuate these problems for their own interests. The region reached boiling point in the days leading to 9/11. I vividly remember the bloody IDF attack on Jenin refugee camp and the events that followed leading to the second intifada, including the extra-judicial assassinations of Palestinian leaders and/or mass imprisonments and blockades. America was seen as a sponsor of Israeli actions, providing it with arms and financial aid. Furthermore, the US vetoed every nonbinding anti-israel UN resolution. Public opinion of the US had reached rock bottom in the days leading to 9/11 in most of the Islamic world. Compounding the issue was the silence of incompetent Arab and Islamic rulers, save for the ineffective condemnations by the pathetic OIC and Arab League. It is on this background that a fringe (al qaeda) took matters in its own hands and engaged in mass murder of innocent civilians on 9/11. The muslim world's initial reaction ranged from jubilation to 'mild' condemnation. The events of 9/11 were not seen in isolation, but rather an extension of decades of perceived bias and hypocrisy by the United States against the islamic world. Those who did not condemn the attacks were not stripped of humanity, but because the american tax-payer was seen as complicit in their elected government's foreign policy, a gross oversimplification of political dynamics in the US obviously. So before you right wingers scream about muslim violence, there is a lot of history to be learn, and remember that the clock did not start ticking on 9/11.
Just a personal view.
US Government is not that dumb to allow building a Mosque that represents a religion who "inspired" the 9/11 attack. The thing is...IT'S NOT ISLAM WHO DID IT! THIS IS PLAINLY A COVER UP! Don't blame the Moslems, they're just the innocent scapegoats.
HEEEY...I LIVE IN INDONESIA (THE LARGEST MUSLIM COUNTRY IN THE WORLD), I'VE SEEN THEIR RUDENESS WITH MY OWN EYES AND HEARD THEIR PREACH ABOUT KILLING NON-MUSLIM IS NOT A SIN..I LIVE BEHIND A MOSQUE, I COULD HEAR IT !! TRUST ME, ISLAM IS NOT ABOUT PEACE...In 1997, there was a riot in Indonesia, most non-muslim and the not notive people were killed, the girls were raped...My cousin was brutally hit while they're shouting allahu akbar...his 2 years bro was thrown up to 1 meter pool... DONT LET THE MOSQUE BE BUILT !!!
Please read this. It does explain quite a bit about what the two main sects of Islam- Sufi and Wahhabi- believe. It is also terrifying. Yes, Jihadism IS a major tenet of Islam, so much so, the verse it is in has a special name--The Sword verse, much like the verse in 2 Cor is called the Love verse.
I am a Christian, yes. I am white, yes. However, I truly don't care about Muslims building a mosque. I personally believe their religious views to be bunk, BUT they have the right to believe as they will. What I personally object to is where it will be built. Yes, Muslims died in the 9/11 attacks and my heart is no and always will be with their families, as my heart is with the other families who lost their loved ones.
However, like it or not, the evil terrorists who killed our fellow American citizens in an unprovoked, cowardly act of hate identified THEMSELVES as Muslims. No one forced that designation upon them. Therefore, building a Muslim place of worship on the site is truly insulting, insensitive, and heartbreaking, not just for the families of all the victims, but for all of America. Viewing a symbol of the terrorists at one of the sites of America's second greatest tragedy(Pearl Harbor being, in my opinion, the first most heinous) is awful. And yes, a mosque would be a symbol of that terrorism, because like it or not, fanatical jihadism and Islam are inextricably linked in every Americans mind, although some intolerant people choose to blame ALL of Islam for the act, not just the fanatics. It is not about hating the entire culture for most level-headed Americans; it is about how the fanatics from that religion created a nearly un-paralleled tragedy in America.
Please America, see it with open eyes, and not blindly put on your liberal thinking caps. This is not a symbol of solidarity with the Muslim world, this is a grievous insult to all Americans, especially those victimized by the events of 9/11.
This is in regards to the Proposed Mosque In New York City close to Ground Zero.
I write this to the true believers of Freedom.
I cannot remain silent,
I was born on Feb 22- 1972 I share the same date of George Washington,
I am not perfect, I have done things wrong yet I have to speak but I write this because , we need to stand for our children. RIGHT NOW
My take on all this- as we as people in this world continue the debate on; corrective actions, religion, peace and racism.
I have been at many point in this life and what we are witnessing is something that is truly upsetting from the point of view for the reality that we see and believe to be true.
The Mosque is a diversion of the minds of people, no different that the actual things that took place at 911.
I went through a heavy debate in my own mind on Christian and Islamic views, wondering which is correct.
The reality is that most people do not understand that the very issue is one of several proposed debates to keep most people in a state of lies and shadows.
Terorrism is something that we all face daily on so many levels. It is bred in the hearts out of fear and lies. We have to face this before it is too late.
Christ and his followers where considered terrorists- by not only the Zionists , but also by the Roman Empire. Until they realized they could not stop it, so the system adopted it and reshaped the very practices of the prophetic message- of true freedom, and took away the very purpose of what it stood for. FREEDOM of the SYSTEM- was it not Jesus who knocked down the MARKET IN THE TEMPLE
Islam means Peace, yet not all who practice it understand the faith on all things. Perhaps we need to rexamine ourselves and see, what is really taking shape.
I am not American, I am of mixed heritage and Canadian, but I see something that is going to worsen our freedoms around the world.
If the TRUE FREE Americans do not soon stand up, Voice and March against the loss of freedom that God gave them, the Entire World will suffer.
911 was the day that we as World Citizens lost a large majority of freedoms.
The truth is that this Mosque Debate is a ploy to start another war, so we lose more of our freedoms.
My Son was born the Morning of 911 and I hope that in all of this, he was not born into a world that has stopped caring for what is right.
YOU ARE LOSING YOUR HOMES, BUSINESSES, and families, YOU are BEING USED by the very system you are believing in.
YOU as Americans are the foundation of the World GOD GAVE YOU THIS RIGHT, STAND and RISE FOR FREEDOM before we as a World become no more different than Nazi Germany, for the propoganda being sent these days is Twisted to control the masses.
They are taking away your right to have Arms, they are still turning people against each other based on race and Creed religion, We are going backwords, we should not bow to anyone, WE MUST ACT NOW
The Queen of England still has dinner with the King of ARABIA,
George Washington and your founding four fathers are Not resting well- for they establshed freedom in a world under control.
The attack on you as a society is too break you down. That is why the World hates you because you are free, but for how much longer?
I am completely against the mosque being built so close to Ground Zero. Reading most of these comments (the ones protesting the protest) you'll notice they are not Americans. How can a non American have even the slightest idea of what Americans feel? I do agree however that the hatred is unnecessary and does not help the cause of Americans against the building of this mosque. In fact it hinders it, displaying such hatred makes us no better than the Muslim extremists. I am a proud Christian and believe everything the Holy Bible teaches. Which is love, love for everyone. Regardless of religion, race, etc. To truly understand Muslims you have to read their Holy book. if you don't care enough to do that and find out what it stands for, you're doing no more than ignorantly pointing fingers. I am referring both to people opposed to Muslims and people supporting this build and if you could care less either way, the borders are open there are plenty of other countries you can live in.
Isa as you know him as Jesus in your bible is in Engel as part of Qur'an. Musa as you know him as Moses as in Torah and Muhammed as he is Muslim in submission to his Creator/Designer etc... - All of them were prophets of Islam and they all prayed as a Muslim prays. Remember. You people say that Jesus was murdered so that doesn’t complete Revelations and other prophets came after but you people don’t even want to realize that you are in a manifest error. Yeh as Yahovan was in submission to his Lord. You people are corrupt and so is your entire government. You write your own revelations and we as Muslims accept our Lords revelations and they are complete. Gabriel will push you arrogant ones into Hell. We Muslims didn’t attack you; you attacked Muslims and we don’t forgive that which cant be forgiven. That tragedy; I cried I was sad; I was a child then but the way you people are I am not sorry. You people sell guns that kill people that never hurt anyone and when a brave one comes around and gets you then you transgress further. You people live less than 100 years and God is close and time is coming where if you don't accept Revelations as a Law you will be responsible for your sins. God has 99 names. Recite them and read Qur'an. Your Jesus; actually our Isa ascended. You people don't know what your CIA government did to Muslims in other countries. Muslims slaughter drug dealers and people of that kind. You Americans protect them even though those drug dealers kill people older and younger and do so many heinous crimes. Muslim does not transgress. Muslim strives to reach his Lord and to be happy with one another. All of you that wear a cross are drunks, pork consumers/cannibals - almost?? or ???, adulterers, affairs... cheaters, you don’t even know your language and your political leaders are leading you into the fire. We the people? Pufff - Ya some Monsters. Sell more weapons to those that want to crusade and they will get slaughtered by Muslims. You people are deluded. Don't go to a psychiatrist; that person will only give you drugs that will damage you further. Learn what happened to Pharaohs race. Learn the truth about all of the prophets. Recite Qur'an. Learn what each word means.
To the Anonymous Egyptian in the comment above-
The koran is evil. That's all we need to know. Look at your own country and all around you. You are already drowning in the Lake of Fire.
For Christians it is 'on Earth as it is in Heaven.'
For moslems it's 'on Earth as it is in Hell.'
Even we Indians are islamizition of USA ! atleast our expiriate should live in peace!
Even we Indians are islamizition of USA ! atleast our expiriate should live in peace!
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