Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Next War Will Be In Gaza

Hamas Chief: Truce with Israel is over.

Truce? What truce?

Palestinian terrorists rushing to a mosque to shield terrorist gunmen inisde the mosque were killed by Israeli troops. The terrorist shields were women. Never in all human history has a people sunk so low as the Palestinians to use religious shrines for terrorist attacks and to use their own women and children as shields for terror. Naturally the New York Times reports this as thought the Jews were somehow at fault rather than a sick Muslim sect and its followers.
Make no mistake, war is coming again to the Middle East and in the not so distant future. This is the
conclusion drawn by John Keegan, perhaps the foremost military historian in the world today. Hizbollah and Hamas are building fortifications for a missile attack on Israel to carry out their stated genocidal goals of destroying the Jewish state and establishing an Islamo-fascist republic on its ruins.

Israel Gearing Up For Second War With Hezbollah as Hamas calls for attacks on America.


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