Thank Our Soldiers
It was held at the historic Racquet and Tennis Club on Park Avenue in Manhattan. The main room was completely full and there were many great items auctioned to benefit our Armed Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
posted by Urban Infidel at 2:16 PM
Thank you so very much!!!
My son is currently serving in Iraq and I send him extra stuff too, to share with those not as fortunate. We the family try to show all the support we can to make up for those whose families won't support their hero. That's right WON'T. Some can not do as much and I understand this, but to the families that turn their back on family that have chosen to serve is just UNGODLY, INHUMAN, AND FLATLY UNAMERICAN.
THANK YOU!!! for starting this program, to the many volunteers and supporters. You have truely made a difference in a soldiers life and time spent so far from home. May you be truely BLESSED for your kindness!!!
I was proud to be there. It is the least I can do for our soldiers.
God bless your son. May he return home soon.
UI, you do a huge service for our soldiers. God bless you for being so conscientious.
Brenda, you must surely make your son as proud of you as you are of him. May God watch over him.
I will be returning home for good in August. At some point I will be sent to school for ee weeks mostly in Jacksoville FLA with some time in MO and TX.
UI, you never cease to amaze me with your commitment and your true journalism. Thank you for sharing the pics of our brave soldiers, as well as the benefit.
Brenda, you've angered me in that I never EVER would have thought that a family could turn their head on their patriot soldier. I'm simply dumbfounded by this. So, THANK YOU for sharing this fact (argh!) and your story with me. You've inspired me to do more for those "less fortunate" (to coin a phrase...LOL). And, most importantly, may God carry your boy back to you as he left, for he certainly should be on God's good side with a wonderful mom like you. He fights for you and all that you stand for and hold dear.
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