I just happened to have my camera with me on the way home from work tonight and happened upon yet another demonstration in Union Square Park. It was a mixed bag of issues all tossed in like a crazy salad. First up was a speech about ending the oppression of women who are being attacked in Palestine. But not by the people you would think. Need I?
Next on the roster was convicted and unrepentant cop-killer Mumia -- the natural hero of the peace movement. He was lauded to clapping, hoots and cheers. Yup! There's good news a' coming for ol' oppressed cold blooded Mumia they promised. Good news indeed.
Next up were the LGBT, who as we all know, hold plenty of sway in the Middle East. No mention of the systemic and murderous oppression of homosexuals there. Not a chance.
It was everything under the sun. A regular potpourri of Commie gremlins. The only group noticeably absent were the troofers. I wonder what held them up. Usually they are out in legion in Union Square Park.
THE HIGHLIGHT: At one point, someone in the crowd was jeered and chased nearly out of the park by a man handing out flyers for the upcoming End-the-War-Now convergence in Washington, DC. His crime? Carrying a copy of The New York Post in a public place.