New York City Tax Day Tea Party
I went to the New York City Tax Day Tea Party downtown this evening. I knew that there was going to be a lot of people, but I never expected this many!
According to NYPD reports, there were 12,500 people! Go to Parcbench for details.
It was completely peaceful and orderly. The mood was excited and positive. The NYPD said it was the most orderly they had ever seen with no incidents. The NY Sanitation Department didn't have to come in an clean up afterward. We left the place as we found it.
As far as I could see there were no 'right wing' extremists. There were a tiny faction of Paulians and a smattering of the sadly prerequisite 'troofers' milling about afterward but none of the 'infiltrations' that were warned about. Just regular people.
A woman drew this sign in her truck with her husband on the way from Texas. There were so many great handmade signs that I wanted to take pictures of but it was so crowded, moving around freely as I normally do was impossible.
As the evening went along the place was even more packed!
Photos taken from my vantage point do no do justice to the tremendous turnout.
Photos taken from my vantage point do no do justice to the tremendous turnout.
Most had never been to a demonstration of any kind before. It was astonishing to see. There were Tea Party-goers lined up from corner to corner across the street and the crowds filled up two blocks long and around the corner.
UPDATE! Great photos from the NYC Tea Party at Vigilant Squirrel Brigades!
& Finally GREAT MUST-SEE video of highlights from Tom!
& Finally GREAT MUST-SEE video of highlights from Tom!