New York City Tea Party April 15, 2010
Unbeknownst to me, every year on tax day there are demonstrations on the steps of the Farley Post Office on 31st Street and 8th Avenue. I had no idea! So before the Tea Party started there was all this other stuff going on. Anti-war funding demonstrators, young kids protesting cuts in the public schools budget, the raging grannies/code pink and even the Anarchist Marching Band for some reason.
Now on to the Tea Party.
Overall a solid event! Lots of people and the speakers were great. Big thanks to David Webb and Kellen Guida for putting it all together.
There were so many outstanding signs I couldn't post them all here, so please check out the full photo slide show. Everything is there.
Click here for the complete slideshow!
Or, if you don't want to go through the entire slide show, the gallery view can be seen here!
I don't want to waste too much space on the lame infiltrators but since they made such a big deal out of 'taking down the Tea Party' here they are.
This leftist and her hippie boyfriend came strolling into the Tea Party looking for a confrontation toting a sign with indecipherable racist and bizarre messages. She actually made a grab for a sign held by a friend of mine and she got put in her place real quick.
If she was trying to make others look bad, she failed miserably and ended up with a police 'minder' for the rest of the event.
This leftist and her hippie boyfriend came strolling into the Tea Party looking for a confrontation toting a sign with indecipherable racist and bizarre messages. She actually made a grab for a sign held by a friend of mine and she got put in her place real quick.
If she was trying to make others look bad, she failed miserably and ended up with a police 'minder' for the rest of the event.
The rest of the Tea Party was energetic and positive. The crowds lined both sides of the street on 8th Avenue!
I printed out at work but didn't take with me 'cause I only got two hands.
Thanks to zombie over at Pajamas Media for the link!