Day of Rage: Occupy Wall Street

Lots more to come! Video, Pics! You name it!

Bunch of do-nothings. They smelled. Yes, I could actually smell the body odor. They smoked like fiends and were all glued to their evil corporate electronic pacifiers.
This guy below is a raging racist.
See him fighting with Ron Paul followers in the next four videos.

these people gave me.
UPDATE: December 10, 2011
The below video of this ranting OWS loon was at about 80,000 views and over 2,000 comments when YouTube yanked it for 'hate speech.' So I uploaded it to LiveLeak. We'll see how long that stays up.
UPDATE: December 11, 2011
YouTube has reinstated my video.
"If you're a white man, then shut the FK up about race!"

Rallying the Ragers.
Ragers 'Circling the Bull'.
Tahrir Square this is not. In the above video see the colorful panted fellow offend fellow Ragers with burning sage. More from the 'summit' below.
A cop I spoke to said that they didn't have any permits for this. The Ragers intend to camp out and spend the night, or two. Or possibly forever. They had raised their goal of $2,700 to feed themselves throughout their revolutionary encampment.
They came ready to stay. The guy here in the Superman get up brought his own eating utensils around his neck and a fuzzy sleeping back strung on his hip.

* * *

Now back to the Rage.
Lots more Rage still to come! Please stand by . . .

Photos are finally uploaded!
Check out the photos. There is a lot of good stuff in there that I couldn't cram all into this one blog report.
Or click here for the slide show.
Lots more Rage videos over at my YouTube channel!
HUGE thanks to zombie over at Pajamas Media for adding my coverage to their Day of FAIL: Nationwide Anti-Capitalist Revolution Flops report.