Chechen Islamic Terrorist Outrage in Boston: U.S. Immigration Run Amok
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In the years since the Islamic terror attacks in 1993 and 2001 we haven't learned a damned thing. Our quisling media and our ever-more cowardly elected officials seem to be locked in a virtual death match competition to appease our enemies. On top of it all we also have a twice-elected president who considers our constitution a 'flawed document' and something of an irritating obstacle in the most craven power grab in American history. President Executive Order can't give away our American sovereignty fast enough and is about to demonstrate his power by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Why bother, Barry? When we have been admitting record numbers of asylum seekers from countries wishing us nothing but death. The Tsarnaev brothers were granted asylum because their parents easily convinced our government that they were in fear of being murdered. How ironic. We were attacked by Chechen terrorists on our own soil, terrorists that we invited to our country on a platinum entitlement card.
Last year, I attended a talk organized by the Center for Immigration Studies that should leave every American reeling. The problem is much more insidious and widespread than most realize. It isn't just a small army of rubber-stamping bureaucrats and immigration lawyers like Michelle Malkin points to in her column today, it's big business.
What Don Barnett's talk represented is but a tiny glimpse of the tip of the colossal iceberg that is our suicidal immigration policies. All across America, states within states are being created by flooding small communities with asylum seekers who have no interest in assimilating on even the most basic levels. Most are from the Islamic world. It's happening in Maine, Tennessee, Michigan and Minnesota and many other states. Refugees from Islamic countries have been reported to have openly turned their backs on the American flag while being sworn in as citizens. As we see with the Tsarnaev family, some of these refugees come pre-radicalized, terrorist-ready. They are here but they hate America and are groomed to love death.
From Don Barnett's 2011 CIS report:
Loss of U.S. Control. Policy about who is admitted as a refugee to the United States has been surrendered to the U.N. and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that stand to benefit from the program. In recent years, up to 95 percent of the refugees coming to the United States were referred by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)or were putative relatives of U.N.-selected refugees. Given the impact that refugee resettlement has on all other forms of immigration-- both legal and illegal-- the U.N. can be thought of as setting U.S. immigration policy for future generations of Americans.
Security Matters. Meaningful background checks are difficult to obtain for refugees admitted from countries without reliable government records. Common criminals, war criminals, international fugitives, and terrorists have all used the USRAP (U.S. Refugee Admissions Program) and its related asylum provisions for entry into the United States. Bribery of U.N. officials is commonly reported among those attempting to secure refugee admission to the United States.
Uncontrolled Growth. After a brief post-911 slowdown, the program is not, once again, admitting more refugees than envisioned in the 1980 Refugee Act. At 80,000 refugee admissions for 2011, the United States will admit nearly three times the number of refugees as the rest of the developed world combined.
Exploitation for Profit. Refugee resettlement is very profitable for some non-profits. Religious organizations and NGO's involved in the program consistently refuse to commit any of their own resources for the resettlement effort. Instead, these organizations have turned to the refugee program to generate an income stream, abandoning traditional charitable works that do not pay. Most of the second-and third-tier refugee organizations receiving contracts and grants today are run by former refugees themselves, which has put the program on a perpetual growth trajectory.
I urge you to listen to this recording. The sound quality isn't perfect in places, but therein lies a wealth of valuable information. Courtesy of Pamela Hall.
"Losing Control of Refugee Resettlement" by Don Barnett, Former State Department official.
Don Barnett, currently a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies and expert on refugee resettlement in the United States, delivered to the Penn Club on Tuesday night, January 10, 2012, a presentation crucial to understanding the scale of the problem faced by small towns and communities throughout America. A former employee of the United States Information Agency within the U.S. State Department, he spent an extensive part of his career working in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, which produced most of the refugees brought to the United States during the Cold War Era.
He was introduced by Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies.
UPDATE: Here's an excellent report from American Rattlesnake on Don Barnett's illuminating talk that night at the Penn Club.