Friday, August 22, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
AFDI Rally for Israel & Persecuted Religious Minorities in the Middle East
(Please click to enlarge all photos!)
Here are some highlights from the AFDI Rally for Israel and the Persecuted Religious Minorities in the Middle East rally in Union Square Park on Sunday organized by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.
Pamela Geller the Lionhearted!
One of my heroes, the one and only Robert Spencer!
Mazzen Warra, a Palestinian Christian from Ramallah, Gaza.
All is definitely not well for the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered daily.
Gay people don't have a chance in the Islamic world.
Terrorists of a feather flock together!
Earth to Obama: The world is going up in flames.....
Haider Elias, Yazidi Spokesman!
How many billions have we as US taxpayers given to Hamas to keep the ball of Islamic terror going?
Who really knows Obama's true loyalties?
Celebrating Israel!
Pamela introduces Robert Spencer.
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Founder and President
of "Voice of the Copts".
Mazzen Warra, a Palestinian Christian from Ramallah, Gaza.
Haider Elias, Yazidi Spokesman.
Robert Spencer.
Simon Deng, former slave and Sudanese Freedom Fighter.
Salar Motidi, Kurdish Spokesman.
Salar Motidi, Kurdish Spokesman.
posted by Urban Infidel at 2:06 PM
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